【實用教育app】Baby Story Free|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Baby Story Free|最夯免費app


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In this quiet night, a touch of flowers all around, the child holding his favorite toy, relying on the arms of their parents to listen to songs to listen to the story, and then gradually fell asleep ...... Such a warm beautiful scene is probably a lot of people's childhood memories. Dear parents, friends rushed to such a warm childhood memories, so much fun children's songs, stories dedicated to our most lovely kids. "Baby Story" is dedicated to all parents of a special baby story, listen to songs of the application, it is carefully selected for you: the fairy tale, idiom stories, Chinese children's songs, Chinese songs, English songs, Tang, Sinology, eight categories of the classic story of beautiful songs. ,You can also set their own story of playing time. At the same time, support background play. Open a soothing blend of songs, set 15 minutes auto-off time, exit the program, lock screen, on the child's bedside, so wonderful music accompanied him slowly to sleep.*******List******* 英文儿歌 ABC,ABCD song,Animal Fair,Apple Song,As I Go I Love To Sing,Dixie,Do Re Mi,Donkey Donkey I Beg You,Edelweiss,Happy Birthday To You,Happy New Year,In The Good,Old Summertime,Jingle Bell,Little Cabin In The Wood ,Mary Had A Little Lamb ,Ten Little Indian Boys ,The Hokey Pokey ,We Wish You A Merry X'Mas" ,中文童瑶 我叫轻轻,小花猫,小毛驴,小兔乖乖,拔萝卜,布娃娃,打电话,读书郎,国旗多美丽,好爸爸坏爸爸,上学歌,娃哈哈,小蚂蚁, 不倒翁 ,虫儿飞 ,凑数歌 ,拉大锯 ,小弟弟早早起 ,小小姑娘 。中文儿歌 春天在哪里,共产儿童团歌,两只老虎,铃儿响叮当,排排坐,分果果,让我们荡起双桨,世上只有妈妈好,数鸭子,玩泥巴,我们的田野,小燕子,一分钱,种太阳,猪小弟,歌唱二小放牛郎 ,小不点 ,小螺号 ,红星歌 ,卖报歌 ,拍手歌 ,蜗牛与黄鹂鸟 ,小星星 。唐诗 春晓,登鹳雀楼,静夜思,九月九日忆山东兄弟,望庐山瀑布,望岳,寻隐者不遇,咏柳,游子吟,早发白帝城,赠汪伦,黄鹤楼,将进酒,乌衣巷,行路难。成语故事 狐假虎威,铁杵成针,鹤立鸡群,画蛇添足,瓜田李下,此地无银三百两,拔苗助长,对牛弹琴,塞翁失马,不耻下问,半途而废,不屈不挠。童话故事 丑小鸭,吹箫的渔夫,龟兔赛跑,猴子捞月,披着羊皮的狼,三只小猪,乌鸦喝水,小鸟找家,一个豆荚里的五粒豆,渔夫和金鱼,皇帝的新装,灰姑娘,莴苣姑娘,小袋鼠长大了,小红帽,小蝌蚪找妈妈,蝙蝠自辩,狐狸和樵夫,拇指姑娘,年的来历,睡美人,小猫钓鱼,安琪儿,白雪公主,狐狸和葡萄,六只天鹅,玫瑰公主,荞麦,青蛙王子。国学经典弟子规,千字文,百家姓,滕王阁序,爱莲说,归去来兮辞,兰亭集序,陋室铭,桃花源记,岳阳楼记,醉翁亭记。英语故事All the Pretty Little Horses(漂亮的小马驹),Angels Watching Over Me(天使庇护着我) ,Baa,Baa,Black Sheep(黑绵羊,咩,咩),Head,Shoulders,Knees and Toes(头、肩、膝盖与脚趾),The Ant and the Dove(蚂蚁与鸽子),The Dancing Monkeys(跳舞的猴子),The Princess And The Pea(公主和豌豆),The Serpent and the Eagle(蛇与鹰),The Vowel Song(元音歌),The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing(披着羊皮的狼),Twinkle,twinkle,little star(小星星,亮晶晶),You Are My Sunshine(你是我的阳光),Grandmother(祖母),I Have A Dream(我有一个梦想),The Little Match-Girl(卖火柴的小女孩),The Tale of Peter Rabbit(彼得兔子的故事)。购买完整版将解锁国学经典,英文故事,以及所有分类中的隐藏内容。******************

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