【實用醫療app】BabySteps Motor Milestones for iPad|最夯免費app

【實用醫療app】BabySteps Motor Milestones for iPad|最夯免費app


【免費醫療App】BabySteps Motor Milestones for iPad-APP點子

Track your baby or toddler’s progress for sitting, standing, crawling and walking with BabySteps Motor Milestones. Thanks to the included World Health Organization chart, you’ll learn what to expect when and find answers to questions about your child’s growth from the world’s leading authority.Your baby is five months old but isn’t sitting up by himself yet. Is that normal, or should you be concerned? Your friend’s daughter is thirteen months and still not walking by herself. Is something wrong?Before you get too worried, check in with BabySteps Motor Milestones. This app has been approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) to provide you with the most reliable source of information about child growth. It shows you the typical age that babies and toddlers start to develop their motor skills, so you can get a gauge on whether or not there’s an issue.Inside the BabySteps application, you’ll find the WHO’s motor milestones chart. This table represents the best growth description for all children around the world and data has been compiled from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds for a complete picture. The information is solid and reliable, showing you the windows of achievement for six gross motor development milestones:* sitting without support* standing with assistance* hands & knees crawling* walking with assistance* standing alone* walking aloneTracking your child’s progress is easy when you use BabySteps. Add a baby by name and enter development events when they happen. All of that child’s motor achievements are displayed right on the chart, so you can monitor those important moments, like those precious first steps. Tap the baby’s name and the table scrolls to the right point. In a glance, you’ll know whether or not things are going normally.Have a look at some of the features you get in BabySteps Motor Milestones:* Super simple to use* Approved by the World Health Organization (www.who.org)* Contains the WHO motor milestones chart* Includes information about six gross motor development milestones* Check baby’s progress to see what to expect now and in coming weeksRelax and let this app guide you. As the information is from the world’s leading authority on child growth, you can rest easy in the knowledge that you are using a source that you can trust.Download BabySteps Motor Milestones now.DISCLAIMERBabySteps Motor Milestones application is for informational purposes and is not intended as a substitute for the advice of your pediatrician. Please consult your pediatrician for any questions or concerns regarding child growth. patataSW does not warrant that the information contained in this application is complete and correct and shall not be liable whatsoever for any damages incurred as a result of its use.

【免費醫療App】BabySteps Motor Milestones for iPad-APP點子

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