【實用生活app】Babysitting Pro Activity Log|最夯免費app

【實用生活app】Babysitting Pro Activity Log|最夯免費app


【免費生活App】Babysitting Pro Activity Log-APP點子

Babysitting Pro, a sophisticated activity logger, allows childcare providers to log children's activities, share information with parents, and track clients' details and payments with ease. Whether you are caring for a baby, older kids, or any other combination, you can log their activity easily.

• Are you a nanny, babysitter, au pair, summer-job teen, or other childcare provider who takes your responsibility seriously?

• Are you a parent who wants her baby's or child's caregiver to remain accountable when there’s no supervision?

【免費生活App】Babysitting Pro Activity Log-APP點子

Babysitting Pro is the ultimate event tracker for anyone involved in baby- or child-care. A simple, intuitive interface allows you to log events as they happen, or when you have a spare minute. Optional notifications allow you to notify parents of events in real time, via SMS or email, or send a summary at the session’s end. Forget scribbled notes at the end of the day; show parents that you are professional and on top of the situation.

PLEASE NOTE: Thea pp does not store the information for retrieval at a future time; it generates immediate or end-of-session messages, but does not store the information further.

•Organize your jobs: Store info on multiple clients and their kids’ needs, from allergies to bedtimes to medications, and receive alerts when it’s time to administer medication.

【免費生活App】Babysitting Pro Activity Log-APP點子

•Log and share events: Log children's activities with a few simple taps, and share real-time notifications or daily summaries with parents. Never forget to relay a message again!

•Track kids’ activities

•Trackers for food and drink, medicines, sleep, diaper/toileting

【免費生活App】Babysitting Pro Activity Log-APP點子

• Freeform notes for all events, or add your own event.

•Choose which events to notify parents about in real-time, and which should be logged in the daily summary.

•Calculate and record pay automatically!

【免費生活App】Babysitting Pro Activity Log-APP點子

• Set an hourly rate for each client, and the app does the rest

• See how much you are owed and automatically deduct payments received from the balance.

Unlike any other childcare app on the market, Babysitting Pro is designed to make life easier for caregivers and parents, not more complicated. The interface and controls are clean, simple, and easy to navigate. It includes everything that’s important to your situation, but doesn’t get bogged down with nitty-gritty details and charts that are irrelevant to your day.

【免費生活App】Babysitting Pro Activity Log-APP點子

Without being overloaded by information, you now have a ridiculously simple, non-intrusive way to maintain professionalism and accountability, while sharing all the information that’s vital to children’s wellbeing.

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