【實用財經app】Banca March|最夯免費app

【實用財經app】Banca March|最夯免費app


【免費財經App】Banca March-APP點子

Welcome to Banca March mobile, a new Banca March service which has been exclusively created for you with the objective of providing further convenience and agility. With this application you will be able to access, from your mobile telephone, the on-line banking service as well as a vast selection of information that can be of great interest to you. At any time, anywhere and with all the usual security measures. This application will enable you to:•Access the on-line banking service for enquiries and transactions by entering the same key words you use for this service on the Internet.•Use a search engine for Banca March branches and cash dispensers, through which - with the help of your mobile device’s geolocation and Google Maps - you will be able to locate the branches and ATM’s that are closer to the place where you are. •Have direct access to the markets through our On-line Broker: you will get updates on the evolution of the Spanish and international stock exchange indices as well as on the latest quotations of the most important shares. •Get to know our most relevant products and services as well as the latest news.•Benefit from Financial Advice and recommendations from our experts as well as view all the Corporate Information concerning our institution.•Retrieve a list of useful telephone numbers so you can easily contact our Telephone Banking Service or the relevant customer service centre in order to cancel your card after its loss or robbery.This application is available in the following languages: Spanish, Catalan, English and German.Banca March mobile is the result of our constant commitment to offer you a higher quality service. We encourage you to download our application and hope it will be to your liking.

【免費財經App】Banca March-APP點子

【免費財經App】Banca March-APP點子

【免費財經App】Banca March-APP點子

【免費財經App】Banca March-APP點子

【免費財經App】Banca March-APP點子

【免費財經App】Banca March-APP點子

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