【實用教育app】Banking & Computer Awareness|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Banking & Computer Awareness|最夯免費app


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Developed by MadGuy Education labs one of the premier institute for Online Education.

Get Quick Tests and Study Material for IBPS PO and SBI PO exam on the go. The app covers the complete PO / Clerk course with detailed content for - General Knowledge, Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, Verbal Ability, English, Banking Awareness and Computer Awareness . The course material is specially designed to ensure you can learn on mobile. With most of the content being in Question and Answer format, the course helps you practice a lot.

The course material is updated by a team of professionals from premier institutes.

Most of the content is written by :

Jitendra Kumar ( IIT Roorkee) - Aptitude, Logical Reasoning and daily Current Affairs

Sonaal Topno ( IIT Roorkee) - Banking Awareness and Computer Awareness

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Ashiwini Bidkar and Sheetal Deore - Detailed Current Affairs

The course covers the following subjects in detail -

1. General Awareness

With special reference to the banking industry, General Awareness covers all major historical and current facts that are important for the SBI / IBPS PO Exam. This section also covers Multiple choice questions and answers for important topics

2. Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning & Verbal Ability

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This section has 50 topics which covers complete QA syllabus for SBI & IBPS PO exam. This section also contains 10 Practice test to test your skills.

3. Computers

The knowledge of computers is pivotal for a successful banking career and the exams also give it high importance. Get all the fundamentals and the set of important questions as a part of this course. This section includes

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# Computer Abbreviations

# Computer Shortcuts

4. Daily Current affairs

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Daily Current Affairs is the main part of every competitive exam. This section covers daily current affairs quiz and Detailed current affairs to keep you updated about the world. ( Current affairs are updated regularly by out team members)

5. Banking News

This section has RSS feed from Reserve Bank of India website.

6. Flashcards

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Specially designed flashcards to quickly revise everything.

7. Daily Practice tests

Get daily practice test at 9 PM sharp. Daily practice test are designed to check your daily knowledge and understanding and at the end of the test you can also compare you result with your friends.

Exams which can be prepared:

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- IBPS PO/Clerk

- SBI PO/ Clerk

- PSU Bank

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- Any type of Bank Exam



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