【實用健康app】Banting Diet In Your Pocket|最夯免費app

【實用健康app】Banting Diet In Your Pocket|最夯免費app


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Are you Banting? Then this free app serves one simple purpose: To provide you with a quick and easy, on-the-go guide to what you can and cannot eat if you’re following the “Banting” eating plan.

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Foods To Avoid

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Foods You Can Eat

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William Banting’s Original Sample Diet

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Link To The Original ‘Letter On Corpulence’ By William Banting

"I have not felt better in health than now for the last twenty-six years. Have suffered no inconvenience whatever in the probational remedy or since. Am reduced nearly 13 inches in bulk, and 50 lbs. in weight. Can perform every necessary office for myself. The umbilical rupture is cured. My sight and hearing are suprising at my age. My other bodily ailments have become mere matters of history.” -William Banting

It’s based on the original Banting plan as devised by the founder William Banting.

There are various schools of Banting thought - some advocate eating butter and milk - but this app follows the original teacher in all his healthy glory.

For the uninitiated, “Banting” is a term used to describe a way of eating to decrease excess weight in a healthy way. It is named after its founder, William Banting. O advice from his medical practitioner, he overcame obesity and various health ailments by following what today would be called a low-carb eating plan without the fluff. Banting is the great-great-grandfather of the Atkins diet and numerous other eating plans - only its way easier to follow.


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Disclaimer: The Pocket Banting app should be used to support rather than replace medical advice advocated by your doctor.

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Banting Diet In Your Pocket APP LOGO

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Banting Diet In Your Pocket APP QRCode

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