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【實用書籍app】Basics of Jujutsu and MMA|最夯免費app


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Have You Ever Thought About Learning The Art Of Self-Defense? Discover The World Of MMA!

There is jujitsu, which is another art of self-defense. Jujitsu has been around for many years and is considered to be one of the most ancient martial arts forms of self-defense. Jujitsu is done in different ways. This self-defense method is based on different techniques, such as strikes, throws and locks. Jujitsu was not always used by the public. At one time, it was used for men in armor.

In this guide, Mixed Martial Arts The Basics of Jujitsu & MMA, you will discover:

Four methods of combat that are used in jujitsu

What kind of actions go along with the methods

Kata competitions

Five main sectors of the arts of jujitsu training and what they stand for

After you get this guide, you will learn the basics of how you can defend yourself and about competitions that use jujitsu techniques and methods. They are not by any means moves that you can learn overnight. It takes practice and time to get them right. Getting this guide can help you to master what it takes to protect yourself from the opponent.

In this report, you will also discover the following:

Jujitsu is also used as a mental and physical tool to help you gain self-confidence. It is not just for attacking your opponent and defending yourself. You will be able to gain discipline and strength just by implementing these techniques and methods.

This guide will also teach you:

Four techniques used in jujitsu

Why strangulation is used in jujitsu

What are sweeps and escapes

Twelve principles of striking and what they stand for

The meaning of a throw

Five types of throws

How the biting, gouging, poking and grasping techniques are used in jujitsu

The meaning of atemi

What a takedown is

What the rolling technique is

What the arm bar technique is

What the wrist lock technique is

Difference of grappling styles

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