【實用工具app】Battery Life|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】Battery Life|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】Battery Life-APP點子

Want to know how much remaining battery life you have? That little icon at the top of the phone isn't that helpful, it only gives you a very rough estimate. Battery Life Meter will show you not only the exact percentage charge remaining, but the amount of time remaining depending on how you actually use the phone. Have enough battery left to watch that movie on the plane? Can you leave the phone on standby overnight? Battery Life Meter will tell you. Quick and easy to use, just run it!

Shows Remaining:

* Talk Time (2G, 3G)

* Standby Time

* Internet Browsing Time (3G, WiFi)

* Video Playback Time

* Audio Playback Time

* Gameplay Time

Other Features:

【免費工具App】Battery Life-APP點子

* Multiple battery styles

* Customizable color scheme

Supports all iPhone and iPod Touch Models!

* Original iPhone

* iPhone 3G

* iPhone 3GS

* Original iPod Touch

* Second Generation iPod Touch

【免費工具App】Battery Life-APP點子

* Third Generation iPod Touch

免費玩Battery Life APP玩免費

免費玩Battery Life App

Battery Life APP LOGO

Battery Life LOGO-APP點子

Battery Life APP QRCode

Battery Life QRCode-APP點子
美國 (U.S.A)iOS
App Store


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