【實用生活app】Be More Confident|最夯免費app

【實用生活app】Be More Confident|最夯免費app


【免費生活App】Be More Confident-APP點子

Each recording combines the pioneering, deeper learning strategies of Dr. Milton Erickson and Neuro-Linguistic-Programming together with the ancient wisdom of many religious, philosophical and mystical traditions - and has been intricately conceived to liberate the positive, life-transforming energy of your deeper mind!

Initially conceived by Dr.John Grinder and Richard Bandler, Neuro Linguistic Programming has been demonstrated in numerous psychological studies to provide effective techniques both for inducing positive emotional states and for replacing self-defeating behavior patterns with more attractive and life-enhancing alternatives.

Robert Siegel, author of these NLP Hypnosis Programs, has created a series of hypnotic recordings which irresistibly lure the listener on a journey inwards... to the metaphorical realms of the unconscious mind. Using tales and legends compiled from the world's ancient cultures, the listener's conscious mind becomes effortlessly absorbed in the entrancing narration, the skillful weave of hypnotic language patterns and metaphorical scenarios ensuring that the listener's unconscious mind receives highly beneficial suggestions for encouraging positive change!

Having been a professional hypnotherapist for many years, and aware of the many styles and interpretations of hypnosis, Robert Siegel's presentation is one of the magical storyteller - entertaining, captivating and mesmerizing. Included are all the ideal components for creating in the listener numerous potentials for learning and change. These programs are not the 'run of the mill' standardized processes that seem to proliferate; instead they enhance Robert's status as a highly talented and creative hypnotic author.

The power of Ericksonian hypnosis is not to be underestimated,

You will be pleasantly surprised how effortless this process is - because you consciously don't have to do anything except turn on your NLP Hypnosis Program and sit or lie back comfortably, allowing yourself to be guided within your inner mind adventure.

The programs are made to be interesting, informative and pleasant to listen to in your conscious mind - but the real work is being done in your subconscious with the NLP techniques!

Combining these innovative approaches, the NLP Hypnosis Programs generate within you a thoroughly positive life perception: naturally.

The Higher Self that is YOU - recognizes these truths and guides your mind towards more productive and life-affirming behavior patterns.

【免費生活App】Be More Confident-APP點子

【免費生活App】Be More Confident-APP點子

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私たち、なぜ出逢ったの 運命の人 心を癒して綺麗にする占い

『私達はなぜ出会ったの?』『この恋は結婚に結びつくの?』あなたの胸の内に秘められた思いに、神話の力を宿したルーンがお答えします!悩みや不安があるときは、心を静かに落ち着け、自分の心と向き合うように占ってください。結果は良いことも悪いこともお伝えいたします。【無料メニューは3つ!】・北欧の神秘の力を結 …

【あなたを巡る愛を濃厚鑑定!婚活・結婚に効果絶大の12星座恋占い】フォーチュンカウンセラー、各種セラピストとして活躍中の『水谷奏音』があなたの恋愛を奥の奥まで密に鑑定!【不倫】や【三角関係】など複雑な関係に悩む人にも的確にお答えします。あなたを幸せな恋愛、結婚へと導く、愛にあふれた言葉の数々……その …

◆癒される、前向きになれる!と話題の濃密鑑定『恋と運命を奇跡へ導く恋占い』が登場です!◆あなたを毎日支え、良いことが起こりそうなときは背中を押し、要注意な時は対処法を教えてくれます。恋愛で悩んでいる、未来が不安など、後ろ向きになってしまいそうなとき、あたたかい言葉であなたの心を癒し、幸せを掴むための …
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【奥の奥まで見通す!】神秘のパワー 幸運のルーン占い

◆◇◆北欧神話のパワーを宿したルーンによって、藤森緑があなたの未来を明らかにします!!◆◇◆ライバルと火花を散らす恋のゆくえや、忘れられない人との復縁、結婚の可能性、転職したらどうなるかなど、良いことも悪いこともズバリお教えします。未来を切り開くために、ぜひ見逃さずに体験してください!○●○●○*o …