【實用旅遊app】Be My Guide|最夯免費app

【實用旅遊app】Be My Guide|最夯免費app


【免費旅遊App】Be My Guide-APP點子

Want to accelerate your miles earning rate!

【免費旅遊App】Be My Guide-APP點子

Want to enjoy complimentary airport lounge access?

Bankmed introduces the best shopping deals and distinctive services that you can benefit from, when you are around. Bankmed reaffirms its commitment in maintaining the MedMiles product and services line as the ultimate choice for you.

MedMiles Mobile application “Be My Guide” is a friendly and convenient application that allows you to

【免費旅遊App】Be My Guide-APP點子

access the MedMiles benefits through your mobile device and take advantage of the Mobile capabilities such as GPS and Local Notifications.

The application allows users to find MedMiles partners, airport lounges, and airline trips in an easier, simpler, and friendlier way. This first of its kind application is public as no login is required.

The MedMiles Mobile application “Be My Guide” is designed for all Bankmed MedMiles cardholders.

【免費旅遊App】Be My Guide-APP點子

Download now and enjoy the experience.

Features include:

- MedMiles Program Partners: convert your everyday shopping into MedMiles flight rewards offering you a suite of distinctive privileges, earn extra miles when you use your card at MedMiles Program Partners varying between Fashion, Dining, Jewelry, Homeware, Multimedia and more… Just visit the partners section to view the recent offers.

- Lounges: enjoy unlimited complimentary airport lounge access to more than 100 VIP airport lounges worldwide, no matter how often or which class you travel in. Just make your waiting time at the airport more relaxing!

- Trips, Best Deal and Special Offers: you will travel sooner than you think! Visit our ongoing Best Deals and Special Offers to choose the desired trip for fewer miles.

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Be My Guide APP LOGO

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Be My Guide APP QRCode

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