【實用個人化app】Beach Dreams live wallpaper|最夯免費app

【實用個人化app】Beach Dreams live wallpaper|最夯免費app


【免費個人化App】Beach Dreams live wallpaper-APP點子

Better not be in the world - summer, bright sun, sea and beach, the warm sand, love, full of positive.

We love to relax on the azure coast - warm sea, bright stars, beautiful scenery, sleepless nights ...

New extended HD interactive version Beach Dreams live wallpaper. Personalization.

Beach Dreams live wallpaper - live wallpaper, fixed number of bugs and user's wishes included.

A selection of HD quality backgrounds allows You to choose the best-tasting member of the scene ( they are listed in screenshots).

【免費個人化App】Beach Dreams live wallpaper-APP點子

Animated dynamic objects fly away when you tap.

You may adjust their speed and the amount in the relevant section of the settings.

Live wallpaper contain sound module - it is activated by touching the center of the screen. It can optionally be turned off in the settings.

SET UP Beach Dreams live wallpaper personalization.

1. Download and install.

【免費個人化App】Beach Dreams live wallpaper-APP點子

2. Open icon from main menu, set wallpaper.

Beach Dreams live wallpaper - newest release from our design .

The application contains a news section and can notify You of new releases and best applications of Mr.Droid group.

Beach Dreams live wallpaper is dedicated not only for portrait format (vertical phone position), but and for albome format too..

【免費個人化App】Beach Dreams live wallpaper-APP點子

Tell us(by Email) about your wishes and problems on installing and using the application.

FREE - Beach Dreams live wallpaper awesome with live realistic animations!

Beach Dreams live wallpaper tested and is stable on the most of popular devices.

【免費個人化App】Beach Dreams live wallpaper-APP點子

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免費玩Beach Dreams live wallpaper App

Beach Dreams live wallpaper APP LOGO

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Beach Dreams live wallpaper APP QRCode

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