【實用書籍app】Beautiful Boy: A Father’s Journey through His Son's Meth Addiction (by David Sheff) (UNABRIDGED AUDI|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】Beautiful Boy: A Father’s Journey through His Son's Meth Addiction (by David Sheff) (UNABRIDGED AUDI|最夯免費app


【免費書籍App】Beautiful Boy: A Father’s Journey through His Son's Meth Addiction (by David Sheff) (UNABRIDGED AUDIOBOOK)-APP點子

What had happened to my beautiful boy? To our family? What did I do wrong? Those are the wrenching questions that haunted every moment of David Sheff’s journey through his son’s drug addiction. David’s story is a first: a teenager’s addiction from the parent’s point of view—a real-time chronicle of the shocking descent into substance abuse and the gradual emergence into hope.Before meth, Sheff’s son, Nic, was a varsity athlete, honor student, and award-winning journalist. After meth, he was a trembling wraith who lied, stole money from his eight-year-old brother, and lived on the streets. With poignant candor, Sheff traces the first warning signs—denial, 3 a.m. phone calls—the attempts at rehabilitation, and, at last, the way past addiction. He shows us that, whatever an addict’s fate, the rest of the family must care for one another too, lest they become addicted to addiction.Beautiful Boy is a fiercely candid memoir that brings immediacy to the emotional rollercoaster of loving a child who seems beyond help.▰▰▰Download your book directly over Wi-Fi or cellular network and begin listening as soon as the first track downloads. The Downpour.com powered app features an attractive interface with traditional audio controls in addition to sleep timer, bookmarking, and variable track scrubbing.App Features• Attractive, easy-to-use interface• Download audio tracks directly over Wi-Fi and cellular networks for offline listening • Multitasking for background downloads and background audio controls • Resume playback functionality• Remember important parts of the book with bookmarks and notes• Sleep timer: 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 minutes or when the current track ends• Variable track scrubbingQuestions or comments? Visit www.downpour.com/kbase or get in touch on Twitter @downpour_com

【免費書籍App】Beautiful Boy: A Father’s Journey through His Son's Meth Addiction (by David Sheff) (UNABRIDGED AUDIOBOOK)-APP點子

【免費書籍App】Beautiful Boy: A Father’s Journey through His Son's Meth Addiction (by David Sheff) (UNABRIDGED AUDIOBOOK)-APP點子

【免費書籍App】Beautiful Boy: A Father’s Journey through His Son's Meth Addiction (by David Sheff) (UNABRIDGED AUDIOBOOK)-APP點子

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