【實用生活app】Beautiful Village Drives in France|最夯免費app

【實用生活app】Beautiful Village Drives in France|最夯免費app


【免費生活App】Beautiful Village Drives in France-APP點子

FRANCE magazine has teamed up with L’Association de Plus Beaux Villages to present a stunning guide to driving holidays between France’s most beautiful villages.Beautiful Village Drives In France is an essential guide to visiting France’s most beautiful locations by car, giving you expert advice on driving in France and providing you with inspirational routes to follow.Every route is illustrated by stunning photographs and a detailed Michelin map, and is presented with a profile of each village covered. Every village profile informs you of the restaurants and accommodation in that area, to ensure you have the best possible stay.In addition, the back pages provide you with all the French advice you need, ranging from key French phrases to a directory of useful contacts, as well as all the information you need to know for taking your car to France. This practical and functional guide will leave you enjoying the scenic routes of France and inspire you to travel to even the most remote, stunning villages hidden in the French countryside.

【免費生活App】Beautiful Village Drives in France-APP點子

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【免費生活App】Beautiful Village Drives in France-APP點子

【免費生活App】Beautiful Village Drives in France-APP點子

【免費生活App】Beautiful Village Drives in France-APP點子

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