



BeeMyBuzz is the new fun and easy way to shop and earn cash just for spreading the buzz to your friends and family. Earn real cash just for spreading the word about your shopping experiences. When your friends see your buzz and decide to shop at the same place, you'll earn even more cash for their referral. Whether online or in the store, BeeMyBuzz works by creating a buzz on your hive and on your social networks. Watch as your buzz grows and the cash starts piling up!





Download the free BeeMyBuzz App and you're ready to get started. Once you've signed in, search for nearby restaurants, businesses, and services. Look for our "Bee" icon next to our participating BeeMyBuzz advertisers and earn cash back for making purchases with your linked credit card. Invite "Bee Friends" who will be able to follow your shopping experiences as you post on BeeMyBuzz, Facebook, Twitter, and Email. Buzz about your purchase and/or experience on BeeMyBuzz and your social networks and your earned cash doubles! Visit your friend's hive and see where they've shopped and what they are buzzing about. If any of your friends see your posted buzz and make a purchase based on your buzz, you'll earn even more cash back from every friend purchasing from your buzz! It's that easy, so start shopping, create a buzz, and earn cash.




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