【實用生活app】Best Before|最夯免費app

【實用生活app】Best Before|最夯免費app


【免費生活App】Best Before-APP點子

Best before is the best app to remind you the expiry date of the foods. Just take a picture, set the location and the expiry date, and it's done!

Did you forget to eat the delicious foods you have bought? Don't know what you've got in your home?

Try "Best Before", no more wasted.

Best Before will alert you before the expiry date. So no more worry need. The simple and elegant design makes it easy to use and know the details of the items. To add the stuff just set the expiration date, name, location, amount, alert time, and the picture.

By setting the location, you can recall where it is. You can also search the item in the list to save the time to find it.

Now, you'll know the details of the foods in your home just in your hands. No need to check around all over the place anymore.

• Notification alert before the expiration of the food

• Tab to change the details:

1. "Day to go": will tell the time left before the expiration

2. "Expiration day": will tell the expiry date.

• Color bar indicators: 3 kinds of color easier to know the time left.

【免費生活App】Best Before-APP點子

1. Red: the item is nearly expired.

2. Yellow: between 4-6 more months to go.

3. Green: more than 6 months left.

• 2 Displays Mode:

1. List Mode: list the items in the details.

【免費生活App】Best Before-APP點子

2. Icons Mode: show the items picture you took.

If you have any problem, any idea and suggestion, please let us know.

email: support@bestbeforeapp.com

facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/bestbeforeapp

【免費生活App】Best Before-APP點子

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