【實用新聞app】Best Music Player Free|最夯免費app

【實用新聞app】Best Music Player Free|最夯免費app


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The Best Music Player for Windows Phone in most terms if not all. Very simple to use UI. Unique medley and Mood player modes. Supports custom playlists and runs under lock screen as well. Most frequent feature updates.

New features and better usability keeps coming. Stay tuned through FB: facebook.com/BestMusicPlyrWP, Twitter: @BestMusicPlyrWP and official blog: bestmusicplayerforwp.blogspot.in

This is an ad supported free version. An ad free paid version is also available.

Current Features:

- Supports 9 languages

- In medley mode the songs you selected would be shuffled and played for random durations.

- Beyond playlists, genres, artists etc. plays songs for your current mood.

- Powerful and simple to use custom playlists.

- Add individual songs or all the songs from an album, artist, genre or playlist to prepare and play a custom playlist.

【免費新聞App】Best Music Player Free-APP點子

- Medley, moods and custom playlist can play under lock screen too.

- Search songs, albums, artists, genres and playlists from your media library.

- Powerful combo of song, album, artist, genre, playlist, mood and medley play.

- Most advanced background customizations.

- Also shuffle and play all songs from your music library.

- Auto stop and exit at set time option.

- Stop music on app exit option.

Update log:


【免費新聞App】Best Music Player Free-APP點子

-Now supports 9 languages giving you freedom to use the app in language of your choice

-Our Facebook address has changed. Updated the same in this version.

-Our support and feedback email has changed. Updated the same in this version.

-Now connect with us with our official blog. Submit your comments, reviews, views, appreciations, criticism, bugs, feature requests etc. The blog link is added in info page of app.

- The application usage help information has been moved as a post of our official blog. This gives you freedom to access it in device and browser of your choice. This also allows you to translate the help info to your language using a standard translator in your browser.


-Mood play mode added. Play songs for your current mood.

-Auto stop and exit at set time added.

-Stop music on app exit added.


【免費新聞App】Best Music Player Free-APP點子

-Most advanced background customizations.

-Twitter link added.

-Search UI


-Renamed to Best Music Player

-A more comprehensive Now Playing screen added in addition to existing now playing section in bottom menu. Just click the now playing section and you go to the new screen.

-small usability improvements, such as visual clue on +S tap, that you would notice yourself.

Hope you will like the app. If you do then please rate us in marketplace. We promise to add features, improvements and enhancements to this simple music player. Please mail your feedback and queries to bestmusicplayerwp@outlook.com.


【免費新聞App】Best Music Player Free-APP點子

-Now supports 9 languages giving you freedom to use the app in language of your choice

-Our Facebook address has changed. Updated the same in this version.

-Our support and feedback email has changed. Updated the same in this version.

-Now connect with us with our official blog. Submit your comments, reviews, views, appreciations, criticism, bugs, feature requests etc. The blog link is added in info page of app.

- The application usage help information has been moved as a post of our official blog. This gives you freedom to access it in device and browser of your choice. This also allows you to translate the help info to your language using a standard translator in your browser.

The Best Music Player for Windows Phone in most terms if not all. Very simple to use UI. Unique medley and Mood player modes. Supports custom playlists and runs under lock screen as well. Most frequent feature updates.

New features and better usability keeps coming. Stay tuned through FB: facebook.com/BestMusicPlyrWP, Twitter: @BestMusicPlyrWP and official blog: bestmusicplayerforwp.blogspot.in

This is an ad supported free version. An ad free paid version is also available.

【免費新聞App】Best Music Player Free-APP點子

Current Features:

- Supports 9 languages

- In medley mode the songs you selected would be shuffled and played for random durations.

- Beyond playlists, genres, artists etc. plays songs for your current mood.

- Powerful and simple to use custom playlists.

- Add individual songs or all the songs from an album, artist, genre or playlist to prepare and play a custom playlist.

- Medley, moods and custom playlist can play under lock screen too.

- Search songs, albums, artists, genres and playlists from your media library.

- Powerful combo of song, album, artist, genre, playlist, mood and medley play.

- Most advanced background customizations.

- Also shuffle and play all songs from your music library.

- Auto stop and exit at set time option.

【免費新聞App】Best Music Player Free-APP點子

- Stop music on app exit option.

【免費新聞App】Best Music Player Free-APP點子

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