【實用教育app】Best of Parenting|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Best of Parenting|最夯免費app


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This revolutionary app is designed to tackle most parenting challenges effectively and to create a more enjoyable and less stressful family life. It offers easy to use tools and weekly tips selected from the best parenting methods worldwide.Fulfil your children's potential, and SAVE UP TO 1 HOUR PER DAY by significantly reducing power struggles!Do you experience typical parenting challenges such as: lack of cooperation, whining, tantrums, defiance and back talk, sibling rivalry, mealtime, bedtime, morning or school issues? This app will give you tips to solve all these issues and more by:• Trouble-shooting daily challenges as they occur: over 500 tips and ideas to effectively deal with typical parenting issues now and in the future.• Fulfilling your children’s potential: by giving you nformation and guidance on your children’s needs, combined with weekly tips and inspirational quotes, to give you a solid foundation for raising confident, self-disciplined and happy children.The Best of Parenting app is written and compiled by Carole and Nadim Saad; parents of three, with many years experience in parent coaching, early-years teaching and child development. Having experienced the typical parenting challenges for themselves the couple researched the latest evidence from child psychologists, neuroscientists and education experts to discover the secrets to the world’s most effective parenting methods. What they uncovered was so life changing that they decided to dedicate their life to turning this information into useful tools for every parent or carer to help them on their parenting journey. Within this app the couple share their own insights and experiences as an additional means of offering reassurance, empowerment and more confidence to all parents and children’s carers.Key features:• Solutions to over 100 common parenting challenges• Weekly tips and inspiring quotes for parents• Useful insights into why parenting challenges occur and how to deal with them when they do• Step by step tools to solving common problems• How-to guide for developing your own strengths as a parent• How-to guide for developing your children’s strengths• Highlighted links for exploring each tool at greater length• Handy links to Best of Parenting website offering further suggestions and articles.When downloading the app, remember to “Allow” push notifications as this is how your weekly parenting tips and inspirational quotes are delivered.We would like to give credit to all the inspiring people who’ve dedicated their lives to improving parenting and child development all over the world, and without whom creating his app would not have been possible: such as Jane Nelsen of Positive Discipline, Jim and Charles Fay of Love and Logic, Alfie Kohn, Daniel Siegel, John Gottman, Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish, Haim Ginott, Rudolf Dreikurs, Alfred Adler, Maria Montessori and many more!

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