



FINALLY there's an App that combines running with food!We all know how important good nutrition is, especially when you're exercising. When we were looking for some solid information on what to eat and why, we found ourselves in a jungle of information. We took this jungle and changed it into bite-size chunks. The right nutrition at the right time will make a big impact. Do you have enough energy for your workout or race? Do you get everything you need for a fast recovery, less muscle aches, and building muscle tissue and strong bones? But are you not looking forward to endlessly browsing the web for the right schedule, nutrition, and recipes? In that case, Biterunner is what you are looking for! Biterunner is the app that provides you with solid and fun training schedules and the right food at the right time, so you to get the most out of your training. We combine effective training schedules (5k, 10k, 10 miles, and HM) with nutrition advice that’s packed in easy and delicious recipes that support you to get the most out of your efforts.The three main reasons for getting BiteRunner:- 14 comprehensive running programs READY to use & print.- 250 delicious recipes, presented to you WHEN you need them.- a very easy to use shopping-listWe made this App so you can enjoy running and eating without having to spend days trying to figure this stuff out.Enjoy, and drop us a note on BiteRunner.comJan-Maarten & MarcoBiteRunner.com





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