



Bizzle is a game with no enemies, no time limits, and no overall scoring.. There are no hidden objects to discover and never a need to match three of anything. Unlike many of the popular games these days there is no physics engine in Bizzle because there is enough physics is real life. The game features you, a very simple set of rules, and puzzles to solve. Start the game, press the PLAY button and Bizzle will guide you as you learn to play... Bizzle isn't just casual gaming, it lackadaisical gaming.. "On the beach, in a hammock sipping a cool drink" gaming.

Each level in Bizzle provides a challenge. The first few levels the challenges can best be described as "not so much." After playing them you will dismiss them as child's play, shake your head back and forth, and maybe even give out a barely audible "ppff! piece of cake".. Over confidence will overtake you at this point and you will brag to the person siting next to you on the plane that by the time it lands in Schenectady you will have this game all wrapped up..

By level 15 you will feel challenged... Before level thirty you will feel like throwing your device at least once.. By the time level forty rolls around you will shudder each time a new level pops up showing yet another new seemingly impossible challenge.. Muttering will be heard with phrases like "brain buster." You will think back longingly about your non-solved Rubik's cube sitting on your desk at work and wax poetic about simpler puzzles from days gone by.. So simple and yet so not.

Don't just take my word for it, read what some of my highly compensated testers had to say:


"I fell asleep 10 minutes in but I don't recall seeing anything TECHNICALLY wrong" - Wes Horn


"Do people actually play games like this?" - My mom


"The level select looks a little.... Oh wait.. it looks that way on purpose?" - Harvey London


"Brilliant design! I couldn't put it down!" - Yeah ok, that was me.


"Is that an Atari 2600 emulator? That's impressive!" - Tyler McNair

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