【實用教育app】Blackboard Math™|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Blackboard Math™|最夯免費app


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Practice arithmetic just like Abe Lincoln. Updated for the 21st century.

Blackboard Math™ uses the entire touch-screen as a virtual slate for children to solve math problems longhand.

It is not another cell phone app with scaled up graphics to fill out a larger display. It is not another arcade-style game with distracting graphics, and limited to simple mental math and multiple-choice answers. It won’t indulge a short attention-span or exacerbate ADHD tendencies. Rather, it is a modern take on the traditional method of learning math: careful practice and working out problems longhand.

Blackboard Math follows the adage, “if you want to remember something write it down.” Blackboard Math has students writing down their work as they go about solving complex, multi-digit arithmetic problems longhand.

The benefits of solving math problems longhand are multifold:

【免費教育App】Blackboard Math™-APP點子

* Improves learning by involving the fine motor control centers of the brain

【免費教育App】Blackboard Math™-APP點子

* Exercises the full range of steps required to solve arithmetic problems

【免費教育App】Blackboard Math™-APP點子

* Makes complicated problems more solvable

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* Rewards focus, care, and contentiousness, over rapid-fire answers and guess-work

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* Promotes attention-span

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* Creates a written record to review potential sources of repeat mistakes

Additionally, Blackboard Math saves students’ work so parents can review it later. Parents are free to be coaches and mentors, while the app itself does the rote work of generating problems and grading answers. Also, Blackboard Math tracks how long and how often your child uses the app. Parents can be assured their child is making an effort on their math practice.

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【免費教育App】Blackboard Math™-APP點子

【免費教育App】Blackboard Math™-APP點子

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