【實用解謎app】Bloking - Puzzle & Strategy|最夯免費app

【實用解謎app】Bloking - Puzzle & Strategy|最夯免費app


【免費解謎App】Bloking - Puzzle & Strategy-APP點子

Bloking is a puzzle and strategy game in which four players and a 20x20 cells board are involved (you can play against the machine or against your friends). Like chess or other table games, you can see the pieces of your opponents at any time.


Each player stars with 21 pieces: 1 domono, 1 monomino, 2 triominos, 5 tetraminos and 12 pentaminos. It is very likely that remind you of the famous Tetris Polyominos.

In the first round you must put a piece in one of the board corners (you will recognize your corner by a red dot).

In the next rounds, the piece should be placed so that it touches a corner of one of your own pieces. The pieces can touch several corners but never the side of the piece. You will see help dots where you can place the piece (you can deactivate this help if you want). Read the help section inside the app for more about this.

This game has a very smooth and clean interface: drag and drop the piece with your finger. You can rotate the piece too and if you make long pressure on the piece it will flip horizontally (like a mirror).

If at any moment you cannot place more pieces you must pass the turn to the next player.

You can see the remaining pieces of your opponents pressing the corresponding color.

If all the player pass the turn the game is finished.

Your score will be the addition of the number of cells covered with your color.

If you need more help check the help section inside the app.

You can leave the game if you want, it will resume the next time (you can restart manually if you want).

If you play against the machine you can adjust the difficulty level of AI from level 1 to level 4.

If you want to play against your friends you can deactivate AI. Touch the color of the next player for pass the turn.


Based on the open source project from Scoutant.

【免費解謎App】Bloking - Puzzle & Strategy-APP點子

【免費解謎App】Bloking - Puzzle & Strategy-APP點子

【免費解謎App】Bloking - Puzzle & Strategy-APP點子

【免費解謎App】Bloking - Puzzle & Strategy-APP點子

【免費解謎App】Bloking - Puzzle & Strategy-APP點子

【免費解謎App】Bloking - Puzzle & Strategy-APP點子

【免費解謎App】Bloking - Puzzle & Strategy-APP點子

【免費解謎App】Bloking - Puzzle & Strategy-APP點子

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Bloking - Puzzle & Strategy APP LOGO

Bloking - Puzzle & Strategy LOGO-APP點子

Bloking - Puzzle & Strategy APP QRCode

Bloking - Puzzle & Strategy QRCode-APP點子
Google Play


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