BoBoiBoy is a Malaysian animated series produced by Animonsta Studios, centers on a boy who has superpower and able to separate into three. With his friends, Ying, Yaya, Gopal and Fang, they fight to protect the earth from alien threats to conquer the Earth to hunt down for cocoa beans.
(Malay version) : Nur Fathiah Diaz / English version : Alexander Rudra Keith Henderson
BoBoiBoy has 3 powers of the 3 elements, Tanah-Gempa (Earth-Earthquake), Angin-Taufan (Wind-Cyclone) and Halilintar-Petir (Lightning-Thunder).His greatest power is the Elemental Split to separate into three where him and each one of his clones can control each element.
Season 2 Concept
(Wong Wai Kay)
He was first introduced in the "Extended Finale" (Season 1). Has the ability to manipulate shadow but only in the presence of sunlight. BoBoiBoy does not like Fang because of his arrogance and ill temper. Fang on the other hand does not like BoBoiBoy due to his jealousy on BoBoiBoy which was triggered by gossips of his classmates in the class since he moved to Rintis Island, although BoBoiBoy has just moved back to Rintis Island six months later.
(Malay version : Yap Ee Jean / English version : Chan Su Ling)
She is kind to all of her friends especially to Yaya. Just like BoboiBoy, she is also shy. Can run at high speeds by manipulating time, but loses her powers when sneezing.
(Malay version : Nur Sarah Alisya Zainal Rashid / English version : Fairuz Arfa Ariff Shah)
Yaya, like her friends, is very kind but she can easily gets angry. She likes to sell cookies but does not know how to make delicious ones. The biscuits that she sells make people faint. Possesses the ability to manipulate gravity which grants her the ability to fly and have super strength.
Gopal Kumar
(Malay version : Dzubir Mohammed Zakaria / English version : Ryan Lee Bhaskaran)
Has the ability to change an object into another object by manipulating molecules but due to the fact he thinks about food all the time, he is only capable of changing objects into food and vice versa.
免費玩Boboiboy English Video HD APP玩免費
免費玩Boboiboy English Video HD App
熱門國家 | 系統支援 | 版本 | 費用 | APP評分 | 上架日期 | 更新日期 |
香港 Hong Kong | Android Google Play | 0.2 App下載 | 免費 | 2014-08-29 | 2015-01-14 |