【實用書籍app】Book on Day of Judgement,Paradise and Hell|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】Book on Day of Judgement,Paradise and Hell|最夯免費app


【免費書籍App】Book on  Day of Judgement,Paradise and Hell-APP點子

In short this is an english translation of Sahih Muslim Book on Day of Judgement,Paradise and Hell. This Chapter contains collection of all Hadiths on Day of Judgement,Paradise and Hell. Sahih muslim is a compilation of authentic traditions of our Beloved Prophet(Sallalahu A'layhi Wa A'la Aalihi Wa Sahbihi Wa Sallim) by Imam Muslim. This is one of six famous and major compilations of authentic traditions called Siyah Sitta (Authentic Six). Keeping pace with current trends and technologies, Al-Khawarizmi brings to the world an Iphone application that lets you conveniently browse and read through the monumental collection of sayings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon Him) by Imam Muslim. Widely considered to be one of the most trusted collection of sayings of Prophet (Peace be upon Him). Please enjoy and support us bring more and more islamic literature on the Iphone.

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