【實用體育競技app】Bowling 3D Game|最夯免費app

【實用體育競技app】Bowling 3D Game|最夯免費app


【免費體育競技App】Bowling 3D Game-APP點子

Bowling 3D game Instructions are following as. In Tournament session, this Session is divided into ten "frames". A frame allows a bowler two chances to knock down all ten pins. The number of pins knocked over in each frame is recorded, a running total is made as each frame progresses, and the player with the highest score in his/her game wins the match. Scores can be greater than the actual number of pins knocked over if strikes or spares are bowled. A "strike" is scored when a player knocks down all pins on the first roll in the frame. Rather than a score of 10 for the frame, the player's score will be 10 plus the total pins knocked down on the next two rolls in the next frame(s).

In practice session, you will get Three frames and each frame allows a bowler two chances to knock down all ten pins.After completion of three frames you will get message Play Now.

Ball movement is depends on your finger, Simply you can give the direction to ball by moving your finger.

【免費體育競技App】Bowling 3D Game-APP點子

【免費體育競技App】Bowling 3D Game-APP點子

【免費體育競技App】Bowling 3D Game-APP點子

【免費體育競技App】Bowling 3D Game-APP點子

【免費體育競技App】Bowling 3D Game-APP點子

【免費體育競技App】Bowling 3D Game-APP點子

【免費體育競技App】Bowling 3D Game-APP點子

【免費體育競技App】Bowling 3D Game-APP點子

【免費體育競技App】Bowling 3D Game-APP點子

【免費體育競技App】Bowling 3D Game-APP點子

【免費體育競技App】Bowling 3D Game-APP點子

【免費體育競技App】Bowling 3D Game-APP點子

【免費體育競技App】Bowling 3D Game-APP點子

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