【實用運動app】Bowling Speed|最夯免費app

【實用運動app】Bowling Speed|最夯免費app


【免費運動App】Bowling Speed-APP點子

DO you really want to measure a bowler's delivery speed.Here is the new app to measure the bowler speed accurately.You can capture the delivery

【免費運動App】Bowling Speed-APP點子

time as accurately as possible.

With this app you can also measure the speed of any moving object!

-distance field must be in yards only.

-speed can available in kilometers per hour(kph) and meters per hour(mph).

-share your bowling speed in social profiles like facebook, g+.

A-Bowler is a fun application, that can also be used to do the following:

【免費運動App】Bowling Speed-APP點子

- Detect the "slower ball" of your opposing bowlers

【免費運動App】Bowling Speed-APP點子

- Train bowlers to deliver consistent bowling speeds

- Declaring your club's fastest bowler.

免費玩Bowling Speed APP玩免費

免費玩Bowling Speed App

Bowling Speed APP LOGO

Bowling Speed LOGO-APP點子

Bowling Speed APP QRCode

Bowling Speed QRCode-APP點子
Google Play


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