



You may know your size. You may be mistaken. Can you afford to take the risk?This version allows you to publish your bra photos and sizes on facebook.— Great App! ***** —"It allows you to get your bra size depending on the bra style, brand etc. It shows the most probably size but also a couple of other sizes which could also fit. Since there is not the one and only right bra size, this feature is really good. What I also like: it shows you the sizes in different sizing systems, e. g. UK or EU."(http://busenfreundinnen.net/)— "iPhone App Helps You Find the Right Bra" —"[...] This sounds like a great tool to bring into the fitting room when you’re lingerie shopping!"(http://www.the-lingerie-post.com/) — "New fashion iPhone apps: lingerie extras at Victoria's Secret and international bra sizes" —"[...] the Bra-Fitter comes with measurement guidelines and translates your bra size into all international sizing systems."(The Independent)All leading stylists nowadays agree that well-fitting underwear is essential for good looks and comfort. Especially a good bra can work wonders for your figure.Bras come now in plenty of sizes ranging from AA to M cups or even more, but still most women don't wear their correct size. That is why we decided to provide a handy guide for every woman to help her find her way in the bra-sizing labyrinth and enjoy wearing a perfectly fitting, supportive bra.The Bra-fitter is not an ordinary bra-size calculator. Unlike them, the Bra-fitter provides you not only with one size, but also with several other possibilities which help you refine your choice and find your perfect fit.The answer can be instantly translated into most of the world's sizing systems (UK, EU, US, FR, AU). Bra-fitter comes with a measuring guide and some suggestions as to how a well fitting bra should look like. An essential fitting-room companion!





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