【實用生產應用app】Bria Stretto™ for Good iPhone Edition|最夯免費app

【實用生產應用app】Bria Stretto™ for Good iPhone Edition|最夯免費app


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Bria Stretto™ for Good is a highly secure, standards-based mobile VoIP softphone for iOS that works over both Wi-Fi and cellular data networks. It is certified to work with the Good Mobile Device Management platform. It is explicitly tied to CounterPath's Stretto Platform™ and requires an administrator-generated account for login. If you do not have an account given to you by your company, operator or CounterPath, you will not be able to use the softphone client.Bria Stretto for Good is based on CounterPath’s award-winning Bria softphone clients and is provisioned by a module of the Stretto Platform. The Stretto Platform’s Provisioning Module is a powerful way for enterprises and operators to distribute, configure and manage Bria softphones and enables users to store their softphone related settings a single, convenient location. With the Provisioning Module, customers can fully provision their Bria softphones for use with their enterprise, SMB, ITSP, or operator VoIP solution. For more information on Bria iPhone Edition, please visit: http://www.counterpath.com/bria-iphone-edition.htmlFor more information on CounterPath’s Provisioning Module, please visit: http://www.counterpath.com/stretto/IMPORTANT NOTE: This version of Bria is tied to CounterPath's hosted Provisioning Module and requires an account set up by your operator or enterprise. Without an account, the client will not work. Please contact CounterPath or your operator/company for more information.Emergency CallsCounterPath's Bria mobile products provide handling designed to redirect emergency calls to the Native Cellular dialer when possible on a best reasonable commercial efforts basis, however this functionality is also dependent on the operating system of the mobile phone which is outside of our control and subject to change at any time. As a result, the official position of CounterPath is that CounterPath's Bria product is not intended, designed, or fit for placing, carrying or supporting Emergency Calls. CounterPath will not be liable for any costs or damages arising either directly nor indirectly from the use of the software for Emergency Calls. Using Bria as a default dialer may interfere with dialing emergency services.

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