



What if you could take the best construction calculator and fix it. That’s right ... you love it, it has served you well, and you stand by it ... but could it do more? Could it be easier to use?

*** I have a lot invested a lot of myself in this app and want it to be the best construction calculator app. IF YOU ENCOUNTER ANY DIFFICULTIES, PLEASE CONTACT ME AT INFO-AT-BUILDCALC.COM - I REALLY WANT TO HELP! ***

After nine months of development and testing by pros from around the world, BuildCalc for Android is ready to give you more - more function and more answers with less complexity, less hassle, and less confusion.


• Advanced Baluster Function: Complete layout of railing and staircase balusters with less guess work - and with all the flexibility you need for every custom job.


• Advanced Stair function: Stair layouts for professional results - including dimensioned drawings of your Stringer, Stringer Installation, and Finished Staircase. And you can email a PDF of these drawings right from BuildCalc so you can print them or share them.

• Fence Function: Give BuildCalc a fence row length and it will tell you how many posts, rails, pickets, and or panels you need.


• Interactive Functions: The Stair, Baluster, Compound Miter, Diagonal and Hip/Valley functions are now fully interactive. Want to change input values? Change the Run? Switch between Regular and Irregular Hip Roof analysis? You can do this and your results will be updated automatically - without you needing to remember what key to press.

• New Full Daylight Visibility Mode



• You are no longer tied down to: only one brick, block or tile size for the masonry function; a fixed number of drywall sheet sizes; only one footer cross sectional area; or one size of shingles and sheathing. If you don’t see the size you want, you can add as many as you need. And for area input, you can store your custom sizes in Length x Width format, so you won’t have to do mental gymnastics to figure out what was the dimensions for that last size you stored.

• Want to cut your hip roof rafter using a miter saw ... or a circular saw using a hand-held protractor? With a tap of a button, BuildCalc will automatically switch between Miter Saw and Protractor results. BuildCalc can do this for Compound Miters, too.


• Sheathing Angles, Purlin Angles, Gable Area, Backing Angles, Plan Angles, Rough vs. Finished Stair Layout Dimensions, Stringer Throat, Stringer installation dimensions ... and a lot more not found on other construction calculators.


• Tired of having to press and press and press buttons to get the results of a calculation? BuildCalc puts an end to this. For all advanced functions, you get ALL of your results in list form with just one or two key taps.


• And, rather than having to write down those results, all advanced functions allow you to save your results so you can recall the complete results at your convenience.

• Less “quirks”. Have you been annoyed by arcane key stroke sequences on other construction calculators? We are too. BuildCalc streamlined the keystrokes to do a better job of giving you less “errors” and more results. Don’t remember what you have to enter before a Hip Rafter or Stair calculation? Well, now you don’t have to. BuildCalc will provide you with a check list of inputs and on-the-spot help to get it right.


• Drywall and Masonry “Room Mode”: If you have stored a Length, Width and Height for a room, BuildCalc will give you the Drywall or Masonry required for the walls and the ceiling / floor - with only a tap of the Drywall or Masonry button. No more pondering over complex key sequences ... it just works.

• Full Construction Master® Pro emulation. BuildCalc is in no way affiliated with Calculated Industries, owners of the Construction Master trademark.

TAGS: Construction, Calculator, Pro, Architect, Contractor, Master Carpenter, Miter, Hip Roof, Masonry, Rafter, Stair

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