



COMPANYThe company was founded more than fifty years ago as a manufacturer of metal shelves, with the name of Vallini and Castellani. Over the years, the structure has been constantly expanded by purchasing first the capacity to produce all the various types of racking and mezzanines and then drops, due to acquisitions of other companies and highly specialized personnel, to provide furnishings for any shop metal and timber and set up offices both directional operation.One of the greatest satisfaction from work give us the knowledge to provide a “made in Italy”, made entirely in Italy, really good and durable, which can repay the trust of our customers, old or new it is.This explains why in our structure is completed across the life cycle of the product from design by our professional architects, engineers or experts in the technical design, through the step in which workers cooperate qualified and specialized, then get to the delivery and installation of supplies thanks to a logistics expert.The quality of our production and management system are certified ISO 9001:2000 – ISO 14001:2004 – OHSAS 18001-2007.UR MISSION:• customer satisfaction• the best quality products at the best possible price• professionalism of our staff• the reliability and credibility for our client• environmental awareness and social commitmentCOMPANY POLICYThe policy of the company CASTELLANI.it SRL is geared to get the satisfaction of its customers, both external and internal, through a process of continuous improvement.Against the external customer, l 'company is focused on:-understand their special needs-predisporgli tailored solutions-offer a good quality / price ratio-guarantee him courtesy of its front office, timeliness and clarity in communications concerning himAgainst the internal customer (employees and contractors):- assign tasks and responsibilities in the most clear and functional as possible- tend to a greater protection of the human person as part of their employmentAs part of its trade policy, the company is oriented:- further enhance its production, compared to the capacity of marketing products outside- improve the quality standards of its products and services, keeping up to date with respect to technological innovations- intensify presence in northern ItalyThe Department is aware of the importance of environmental protection as a value recognized by customers and the communities in which the company operates; therefore undertakes to:- improve the environmental performance through prevention;complying with applicable laws and directing their choices towards the best available technologies and economically viable;- make available the resources necessary to achieve the objectives, defines the environmental objectives and plan milestones, monitors the processes and the results obtained through periodic reports and, every year, with the Review of the Quality System-Environment.The Directorate is also aware of the importance of the protection of health and safety at work which value of human capital with which the company operates; therefore undertakes to:- prevent injuries and illnesses in the workplace;- continuously improve the management of S & SL and performance in S & SL;- comply with applicable legal requirements and other requirements related to the dangers for the S & SL;The Department is committed to periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the management system, in order to obtain useful information to improve their competitiveness, through a dynamic policy of satisfaction of the customer and all stakeholders.















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