【實用商業app】CGMockup Express|最夯免費app

【實用商業app】CGMockup Express|最夯免費app


【免費商業App】CGMockup Express-APP點子

In the innovative tradition of mobile applications signed Innovation Factory, CGMockup Express goes further in the conception and realization of business and collaborative tools. Designed for business, CGMockup Express revolutionizes the phases of your project specifications. Creativity stimulator during the "Facilitated Workshops", CGMockup Express facilitates the requirements collection and the formalization of your functional specifications.
 You will find, in CGMockup Express, the close ally you need to transform your ideas into IT applications without formalizing the requirements collection and the specifications which can be long and with some misinterpretations.Flexibility, simplicity and performance are the watchwords concerning this unique and innovative collaborative tool.Multi-technology targetsCGMockup Express will be your best ally during your various kinds of projects: mobility, web…The technologic bundles provided are iPhone, Web and Slides.FlexibilityBecause your project is unique, CGMockup Express adapts to your constraints allowing you the necessary flexibility. Indeed, CGMockup Express gives you the opportunity to add new personal models or new components.CollaborativeWork collaboratively and interactively by taking advantages of the iPad intuitiveness and by projecting the contents on a TV screen.Share your projectsExport your project from CGMockup Express. This functionality allows you to archive and share your work with your colleagues and your customers.Generate your functional specifications. CGMockup Express also allows exporting to PDF format, your screens, business rules and cinematic, saving valuable time by reducing the document drafting.CGMockup Express allows the teamwork directly with the key players of your project. It also allows you to limit the unsuccessful meetings during the specifications phase.Feel free to contact us if you need new components libraries or special features.

【免費商業App】CGMockup Express-APP點子

【免費商業App】CGMockup Express-APP點子

【免費商業App】CGMockup Express-APP點子

【免費商業App】CGMockup Express-APP點子

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CGMockup Express APP LOGO

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