【實用個人化app】CKS Theme Next,Adw,Nova,Apex|最夯免費app

【實用個人化app】CKS Theme Next,Adw,Nova,Apex|最夯免費app


【免費個人化App】CKS Theme Next,Adw,Nova,Apex-APP點子

CKS Theme - You'll enjoy this clean, high quality theme.

- UCCW Widget Included inside CKS App! (Shown in screen shot of app.)

【免費個人化App】CKS Theme Next,Adw,Nova,Apex-APP點子

- Multi Launcher; Supports: APEX, NOVA, ADW, ACTION, Holo, NEXT, SMART and GO Launchers.

- Over 500 High Quality Icons (144x144)

【免費個人化App】CKS Theme Next,Adw,Nova,Apex-APP點子

- Supports icon mask so all icon's will look perfect.

- HD Wallpapers (all shown in screen shots)

【免費個人化App】CKS Theme Next,Adw,Nova,Apex-APP點子

- and more!!

If you change icon size reset theme for mask take shape to new size

Installation Apex,Nova,ADW,NEXT,SMART and GO Launcher :

【免費個人化App】CKS Theme Next,Adw,Nova,Apex-APP點子

- Install Apex.Nova,ADW,Launcher (Free or Pro)

- Install theme

【免費個人化App】CKS Theme Next,Adw,Nova,Apex-APP點子

- Open Apex,Nova,ADW Settings

- Open Theme Settings

【免費個人化App】CKS Theme Next,Adw,Nova,Apex-APP點子

- Select and Apply CKS Theme

-Apply within the dashboard itself.

- Docks for all Launcher's

** For GO Launcher you'll need to disable icon backing to restore working stock icons. Preferences, then Visual Settings. Go to the Icons page and then uncheck 'Show Icon Base'.

** To install the included UCCW Widgets click on 'UCCW Widgets" tab in the CKS app

-Click the Widgets icon an click 'Install the skins' button. It is now installed.

-Go back to home screen and set the UCCW Widget of your choice.

** For NEXT Launcher you can change icon by going to the icon gallery. You will have your standard to choose from for this theme. But if you press the first button on top right choose this icon pack you can choose from all the included icons.


【免費個人化App】CKS Theme Next,Adw,Nova,Apex-APP點子

apex, nova, adw, launcher, theme, touch, android, icons, jellybean, dock, wallpapers, fonts, ubuntu, s4, Samsung, HTC, HD, tablet themes, best, popular.ios7,kitkat,4.4

免費玩CKS Theme Next,Adw,Nova,Apex APP玩免費

免費玩CKS Theme Next,Adw,Nova,Apex App

CKS Theme Next,Adw,Nova,Apex APP LOGO

CKS Theme Next,Adw,Nova,Apex LOGO-APP點子

CKS Theme Next,Adw,Nova,Apex APP QRCode

CKS Theme Next,Adw,Nova,Apex QRCode-APP點子
Google Play



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