【實用教育app】CPqD Primeiras Palavras|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】CPqD Primeiras Palavras|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】CPqD Primeiras Palavras-APP點子

*** NOTE: This app is destined for people who speak or want to learn Brazilian Portuguese, and as such is available only in this language ***Learning to read and write has never been any easier! With CPqD First Words, your cell phone talks to you, and before you know it, you will be learning the alphabet and words in Portuguese in a simple and fun way.It is perfect for children who are beginning to discover the universe of reading and writing. In every activity, the cell phone says exactly what is written, whether it is right or wrong. This allows the child to have fun listening to the results of their typing and learn from their mistakes as well as from their correct answers.Activities include:- GETTING TO KNOW THE ALPHABET (Capital and Lower-Case): Pick a letter to hear its pronunciation and examples of words that begin with it. Each word is pronounced and illustrated.- COMPLETE THE WORD: Pick a figure and complete the vowels or consonants which are missing in the word. The cell phone pronounces each complete word and indicates if it has been spelled correctly.- CRAZY CELL PHONE: Select a figure and put the syllables in the correct order to form the word which describes it. The cell phone pronounces the new word, indicating if it is correct or not.- REPEAT THE SENTENCE: Upon selecting a figure, the cell phone pronounces a sentence associated with it. Put the words in the correct order to form the sentence you hear. The cell phone will pronounce your sentence and indicate if it matches the original sentence or not.Product details:- Colorful and highly interactive. The child learns Portuguese while playing.- Pronounces any word or sentence formed during the activities (correct or not), making learning easier.- High-quality Brazilian Portuguese speech synthesis, very similar to human speech.

【免費教育App】CPqD Primeiras Palavras-APP點子

【免費教育App】CPqD Primeiras Palavras-APP點子

【免費教育App】CPqD Primeiras Palavras-APP點子

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免費玩CPqD Primeiras Palavras App

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CPqD Primeiras Palavras QRCode-APP點子
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