【實用工具app】Caller name Announcer|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】Caller name Announcer|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】Caller name Announcer-APP點子

Now Don't worry about the incoming call and SMS while you are busy or driving that your phone is in your pocket. Caller Name announcer will speak out the name of the Incoming caller & SMS sender name-Without seeing to the screen you can know about the Incoming caller name & SMS sender name-It include many features-It is useful app for all the android user mostly people keep their cell in pocket in this way they can feel comfort more-You can alert announcer for Incoming call & SMS-for incoming call only as well & for SMS only as well-It reduce the effort for answering unknown call while you are working or busy-can activate this app for the contact in your phone book list & for unknown as well this will call the number-you can set the initial time for announcer & number of time for the announcer as well-enjoy this app for having useful features.

**** Caller name Announcer will Announce

【免費工具App】Caller name Announcer-APP點子

-- Incoming Caller Name if number is exist in your phone book

-- If number is not exist in your phone book then it will announce UNKNOWN

【免費工具App】Caller name Announcer-APP點子

-- It will announce the SMS sender Name & SMS content

** It have custom features that you can alert only Incoming caller name or only SMS alert or Both-One of the Flexible feature of this app-Mostly people use texting for conversion so you can customize our app for your using.

【免費工具App】Caller name Announcer-APP點子

** Not only customize the caller & SMS Name but you can also Customize that how many times announcer will announce-delay time- announce time.

** You can set many modes such as Vibration & ringtone features.

【免費工具App】Caller name Announcer-APP點子

** You can speaking language set your own choice language for speaking.

** If you want voice of your own choice download high quality sound for your phone or you can also select any available sound in your library.

【免費工具App】Caller name Announcer-APP點子

Enjoy this free app-make your work easy.


Caller Name Announcer uses the built-in Android text-to-speech engine to speaks the Incoming Caller Name or SMS Sender Name and contents of the SMS. Caller Name Announcer will not work if your smart phone does not have text-to-speech library but this is not a problem you can easily download it from Google play store-Enjoy this app.

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Caller name Announcer APP LOGO

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Caller name Announcer APP QRCode

Caller name Announcer QRCode-APP點子
Google Play



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