【實用生活app】Calvary Chapel Eastvale|最夯免費app

【實用生活app】Calvary Chapel Eastvale|最夯免費app


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We are a ministry which holds true to the verse by verse teaching of God's Word. We are a nondenominational Church. We believe in One God, and One Savior, Jesus Christ. We are excited you have come to worship with us!

We are just a regular group of people who love Jesus. You can always expect the Bible to be taught here at Calvary Chapel Eastvale. You can also expect the worship to be heartfelt and open. We want every person coming to Crossbridge to be welcomed, to be able to sit in a place where you can tune in to Christ. We are here to serve you!

Crossbridge Church started in the city of Eastvale in 2004 with Pastor Dennis teaching verse by verse through the Word of God to a couple of families twice a month. Then in 2005, the Bible Study grew to a larger home fellowship setting meeting weekly in a local living room. The Home Fellowship eventually grew encompassing two houses and has grown to what it is today now as Calvary Chapel Eastvale meeting weekly at Clara Barton Elementary School in the Center of the City of Eastvale, CA.

Our Pastor Dennis Morales has been a part of the Calvary Chapel movement for over 20 years serving with two local Calvary Chapel ministries. He has served as a staff pastor at both Calvary Chapel Golden Springs in Diamond Bar and Calvary Chapel Claremont. Pastor Dennis has planted Crossbridge Church (Calvary Chapel Eastvale) with the same Calvary Chapel philosophy of ministry as taught by Pastor Chuck Smith.

Calvary Chapel Eastvale is an affiliate ministry of the Calvary Chapel Association of churches (http://calvarychapelassociation.com/)

We are here to serve you.

We exist to equip the saints, preach the Gospel, and exalt Jesus Christ.

May God richly bless your day.

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