【實用攝影app】Camera Scribe|最夯免費app

【實用攝影app】Camera Scribe|最夯免費app


【免費攝影App】Camera Scribe-APP點子

A mashup of Google's Voice to Text feature and the phone camera to help people tag their photos.

Camera Scribe lets you say your descriptions -- using your voice -- rather than painstakingly typing them in. Playing volleyball on the beach? Just say it after you take the picture. The program works by using Google Voice to tag photos.

Using Camera Scribe will help you tag your photos in a way we like to look through our pictures, by reminiscing. Face Recognition and GeoTagging are great tools, but when we want to look back on our photos, we're looking for a feeling rather then a place.

I got this idea because I really believe that indexing and cataloging is already a huge headache while taking pictures. I'm actually hoping that people will start using more descriptive words when talking about the pictures they take.

Anycase, I hope you'll enjoy this app. Update your phones to the latest Android versions, I've found it works best in those scenarios. We'll be working hard to fix whatever bugs we find and any bugs you come across.

Google Voice currently supports English, Mandarin, and Japanese, so as soon as new languages come out, we'll keep on updating.

Phones Stable:

【免費攝影App】Camera Scribe-APP點子

Acer Stream

【免費攝影App】Camera Scribe-APP點子

LG Vortex

【免費攝影App】Camera Scribe-APP點子

Nexus S

【免費攝影App】Camera Scribe-APP點子

Samsung Epic

【免費攝影App】Camera Scribe-APP點子

Samsung i9000

【免費攝影App】Camera Scribe-APP點子

SE X10

【免費攝影App】Camera Scribe-APP點子

Verizon Droid

Phones Working on fixes

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免費玩Camera Scribe App

Camera Scribe APP LOGO

Camera Scribe LOGO-APP點子

Camera Scribe APP QRCode

Camera Scribe QRCode-APP點子
Google Play



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