



The Campbell Primary School mobile app was custom built to serve the needs of the school community by enhancing communication between the school and its families.Great care has been taken to provide a valuable service to meet the needs of our community.You now have quick, easy and up to date information about the events, activities, notes and news in our school at your fingertips to conveniently access at any time of the day.The school's app has been built by parents for parents. These are the key benefits of our app;* Integrates all the different information portals and online services used by the school.* Provides parents with an "At their fingertips" information source.* Provides instant access to upcoming events that can be added to their phone calendar.* Forgotten notes are a thing of the past, now parents can add the due date of permission notes to their phones calendar.* Enables parents to use maps to navigate to any venue used by the school for sports.* Schools main form of communication is our newsletter and now parents can access current and past newsletters no matter where they are 24/7.* Photos of school events taken by parents can be shared with the school using the images taken with your phones camera. Remember not all photos can be used subject to internet authority forms being signed by parents. But still send them to us.* Parents in business can now support the fundraising efforts of the school while promoting the products and services of their business to the school community.* Always keep your contact details up to date using the two-way Change of Details form to notify the office of changes to phone numbers or addresses.* Never forget to send in a sick note again with our built in sick notes form.* The school benefits too by making out content available in a way that parents want to receive it.* Pop-up message (push notifications) makes the instant communication of time sensitive items and whole school messages seamless and cost effective.* Used multiple times a day by parents to ensure they are always up-to-date and well informed.*No more lost notes in the bottom of the kids school bags ever again.



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欢乐跳大绳、开心蹦蹦床,还有竹蜻蜓大冒险和跑酷大作战,是不是觉得奇奇的户外运动都超酷超炫?什么!你的宝宝们也按耐不住了?那就快带上TA进入奇奇的3D世界吧!闲暇之余还可以帮奇奇打理打理花圃,简单又轻松~ 【奇奇爱运动】是宝宝巴士出品的首款3D互动类产品,在未来的时光里,我们还会陆续介绍每一个家族成员 …

粑粑麻麻是不是经常有这样的烦恼:每到入园时节,宝宝总是不想去上幼儿园,或是一到幼儿园就大哭大闹起来,怎么哄都不行?对于没有上过幼儿园的宝宝来说,幼儿园是一个陌生的地方,如果能让宝宝觉得幼儿园是新鲜有趣的,他们自然就不会抗拒了。 “宝宝幼儿园”模拟真实的幼儿园场景,包括各种室内玩具,滑滑梯,游泳池等. …

我们的生活,就像彩虹一样多彩而灿烂,热情如红色,快乐如黄色,梦幻如蓝色... ...那么,它们混合在一起又会变幻出怎样奇妙的颜色呢?小朋友们,进入魔法调色屋,调出七彩世界吧! —— 贪吃的老鼠要抢走熊猫妙妙的棒棒糖,于是妙妙跑啊跑,跑到了魔法调色屋前。咦?有两个房间,她要藏在哪里呢? 房间1——魔法 …

亲子互动系列之《宝宝爱记忆》,由你来设置难度,宝宝根据记忆完成任务的亲子同乐游戏。想拉近你和宝宝的距离,想更了解宝宝的潜力?那就快来开启宝宝的记忆力锻炼之旅吧~ 水果:“多了什么”——挑出混杂进去的水果。 蔬菜:“少了什么”——找回被摘走的蔬菜。 动物:“排队上车”——按原先顺序重新排队。 小青蛙: …

这是一个神奇的缸中世界!这里的所有天气都由你来创造! “宝宝学天气”将自然场景浓缩于缸中的微观世界,用有趣的创造天气模式让小朋友认识常见的天气现象,并在游戏过程中了解它们形成的原理。 你可以点击太阳来制造万丈光芒; 也可以来回滑动屏幕来制造龙卷风; 还可以控制云宝宝吃掉小云朵来产生雨水,让植物生长; …

“我长大后要当宇航员!”你宝宝也有航天梦吗?虽然大部分宝宝未必可以成为真正的宇航员,体验神奇的登月之旅,但作为宝宝造梦师的我们不会因此而难倒,《登月小英雄》,让梦想变为现实! 组装火箭、驾驶飞船、搜集矿石、DIY旗子... ...快来扮演登月小英雄,体验神奇的登月之旅吧! 四大玩法,造就新一代的小杨 …