



CardFolder is a card viewer to look at information of ID card, credit card, membership card, patient's registration card, business card and so on.Operating simply, your card images and input information are visible.In addition, with one touch, calling, WEB, sending e-mail, and map display are possible from registered information.Features of the list view* You can make cards by category.* You can change the display order, add and delete categories and cards from the list view.* Card view can be displayed with List and Cover Flow.* Card category can be changed after it has been made.* Tapping an image displayed on the card view, you can see it displayed large, scaling and moving.Features of the card screen* Only a title is compulsory input.* Tapping a input telephone number enables you to call.* Setting notice and appointing Date enable the notification of a card name on Date.(The number of notifications in this app is up to 64.)* Tapping telephone number, URL, e-mail address and address input into Notes enables starting Phone/Safari/Mail/Maps.* Contents of Notes can be easily e-mailed.* Card images of front and back side can be imported from Camera and Albums.* Brightness, contrast, and sharpness of imported images are editable.* Stored size of imported images can be specified on the setting screen.* Tapping a card image, you can see it displayed large, scaling and moving.Security features* Password can be input by alpha-numeral, any symbol and more with no limit to the number of characters. All data is encrypted. The data can not be taken, while iPhone passcode lock is turned on.* The data is automatically deleted by the number of times limited imposed on password input error. To protect input information, setting password and iPhone passcode lock are preferably recommended.Backup of the data* With iTunes and Dropbox, backing up and restoring are possible. (Please turn off sleep timer in the iPhone, when you backup and restore over 50 card images with Dropbox.)The comfortable way to use this app* Being stored over 500 images, it might slow down this app's operations and disable camera shooting. To use comfortably, recommended number of cards in one category is about 30, total number of card images is about 200.Hearing user's voice and opinions carefully, we'll keep improving this app for a long time.In case of finding bugs and malfunctions, please contact us by e-mail clearly stating your model name, os-version, details about operation.





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