【實用娛樂app】Cartoon TV - video tile for kids. Watch VOD and Live from anywhere thanks to facebook and twitter. Y|最夯免費app

【實用娛樂app】Cartoon TV - video tile for kids. Watch VOD and Live from anywhere thanks to facebook and twitter. Y|最夯免費app


【免費娛樂App】Cartoon TV - video tile for kids. Watch VOD and Live from anywhere thanks to facebook and twitter. Youtube channel available-APP點子

Cartoon TV is an extraordinary application for all kids, childrens, babies, all over the world.

We broadcast cartoons and animation movies, to entertain any children and kids in the world.


What other are saying?


"The app works flawlessly and the cartoons are lovely! Sometimes I sit and watch with my lil bro too, it reminds me of my childhood!"

by Bidnizz

"Of all the cartoon apps out there, this is by far the best one, and from my experiences, I thought that this app was absolutely efficient. But for some reason it sometimes crashes a little or it could just tell you no connection but overall it is very good."

by nottsdzx

"Everything works absolutely fine on both my phone and my iPad, I especially love the fact that, unlike some other apps, you actually get to watch the cartoons the whole time than you try to get it to play. Cool graphics and stable user interface, I love it!"

by jacquesiir

【免費娛樂App】Cartoon TV - video tile for kids. Watch VOD and Live from anywhere thanks to facebook and twitter. Youtube channel available-APP點子


Featured on :



Cartoon TV is Airplay compatible.

You can watch Cartoon TV and the VOD on your TV thanks to Airplay*


+17000 Kids and adults are using Cartoon TV !

Thank you very much !


【免費娛樂App】Cartoon TV - video tile for kids. Watch VOD and Live from anywhere thanks to facebook and twitter. Youtube channel available-APP點子

Give a cartoon to your kids everywhere.

Classic or recent / black&white; or 3D.

Cartoon TV is your app for childrens.



Now you can watch Cartoon TV live on your iPhone, iPad or iPod over 3G or Wifi (best quality) !

1 time payment give you LifeTime access to our Live Cartoon Channel. This is your kids that will love you ! :)

With your Facebook and/or Twitter account you can add some credits (free) to access the Video On Demand.

Cartoon TV is an extraordinary application for all kids, childrens, babies, all over the world.

We broadcast cartoons and animation movies, to entertain any children and kids in the world.

【免費娛樂App】Cartoon TV - video tile for kids. Watch VOD and Live from anywhere thanks to facebook and twitter. Youtube channel available-APP點子

Are you waiting somewhere while your kid is crying, give him your device and watch a cartoon !

Cartoon TV is here for you anywhere in the world !

This includes cartoons like :


Pink Panther,



Donald Duck,



3D short animation movies and many more !

【免費娛樂App】Cartoon TV - video tile for kids. Watch VOD and Live from anywhere thanks to facebook and twitter. Youtube channel available-APP點子

Our cartoons are primarly in english but some of them are in italian, spanish, arabic, bulgarian, french, russian languages...

*An AppleTV is needed to use airplay.




PLEASE FULLY DELETE THE OLD VERSION of Cartoon TV, then install this new one, otherwise you may experience some problem to launch the application.

Do not hesitate to contact me to ixgaming@ixgaming.com if you still have some problems to launch the application.




【免費娛樂App】Cartoon TV - video tile for kids. Watch VOD and Live from anywhere thanks to facebook and twitter. Youtube channel available-APP點子

While you still have credits into your accounts, simply double tap on a video.

If you no longer have credits...it's easy !!!

Link Cartoon TV with a facebook or twitter account then each time you Tap the facebook or Twitter icon we will had you free credits !

There is no money to pay to launch VOD and Live Channel is always available !



What's new in V2.3 :


- Optimization

- How to use the application

【免費娛樂App】Cartoon TV - video tile for kids. Watch VOD and Live from anywhere thanks to facebook and twitter. Youtube channel available-APP點子

- You can now contact me by touching the Cartoon TV logo.

- improvements


What's new in V2.2 :


- New UI

Removed bug of the v2.1

- Compatible with Airplay

- Now you can see how many times each video has been seen in the vod list.

- Now you can refresh the VOD list



【免費娛樂App】Cartoon TV - video tile for kids. Watch VOD and Live from anywhere thanks to facebook and twitter. Youtube channel available-APP點子


We recommend you to use wifi network for best quality result.

All videos are from the public domain or published under authorization of their respective owners.

【免費娛樂App】Cartoon TV - video tile for kids. Watch VOD and Live from anywhere thanks to facebook and twitter. Youtube channel available-APP點子

免費玩Cartoon TV - video tile for kids. Watch VOD and Live from anywhere thanks to facebook and twitter. Youtube channel available APP玩免費

免費玩Cartoon TV - video tile for kids. Watch VOD and Live from anywhere thanks to facebook and twitter. Youtube channel available App

Cartoon TV - video tile for kids. Watch VOD and Live from anywhere thanks to facebook and twitter. Youtube channel available APP LOGO

Cartoon TV - video tile for kids. Watch VOD and Live from anywhere thanks to facebook and twitter. Youtube channel available LOGO-APP點子

Cartoon TV - video tile for kids. Watch VOD and Live from anywhere thanks to facebook and twitter. Youtube channel available APP QRCode

Cartoon TV - video tile for kids. Watch VOD and Live from anywhere thanks to facebook and twitter. Youtube channel available QRCode-APP點子
美國 (U.S.A)iOS
App Store



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