【實用書籍app】Cat & Dog World - Best child education book|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】Cat & Dog World - Best child education book|最夯免費app


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iChild World, a World for smart kids and parents.Are you busy working and unable to spend much time with your children because you want to get them better living? Teaching them is always your wish but you are too tired during weekend? Why not get them learning by themselves with attention-grabbing flash card that is now so popular as it is proven to be effective? Children who are not interested in study love this interactive system. You can now start developing a positive reading environment for them. Researches show that children can learn better than the conventional education method. For children who love animated figures, this new learning method is especially their favorite.When talked about education, we as parents faced many issues. Good news! No matter what parental problem you are facing, we found you best solution developing children interest in learning.When talked about education, we as parents faced many issues. Good news! No matter what parental problem you are facing, we found you best solution developing children interest in learning. --------------------------------Flash Card teaching methodSince 19 century, paper flashcards have been used. American educator, Favell Lee introduced flash card learning with a set of phonics flashcards. Later, German scientist named Sebastian Leitner discovered that flashcards were amazing tools for learning. Based on the way the human memory works, he created Leitner Flashcard learning system that can benefit students. It was tested to be effective, and was then accepted by many educators. Now, as technology is widely used, we had made it even better with colorful pictures and live human pronunciation!---------------------------------How To Select An Attention-Grabbing Child Book For Your Children?1.Challenges your kids with realistic yet demanding goals. 2.Get children oriented education book that helps develop children interest in learning. 3.Make education enjoyable and interesting for children.4.Children loved technology; teach children using flash card is proven as the best way to learn.Why Bird & Insects World Can Help?1.Learn different types of colorful birds and common insects in our life. 2.Learning in fun with colorful and wonderful illustrated pictures. 3.Touch / tap to change next object.4.Professional human reading for picture. 5.Universal support for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. 6.Bi-lingual: English and Mandarin. You can switch to desire language and start learning another foreign language. 7.Totally new learning experience to match with new technology era. 8.Flash card learning is proven and it applied to all international famous pre-school and tuition centers. 9.User friendly, ideal for child aged 1 to 6. 10.Friendly customer support with prompt response.11.Continuous development for greater interactive books.Simply grab one of the books and begin pre-school learning with your smart kid. That’s it! ----- Compatibility Notes -----Best compatible with iPhone 5, 4S, 4, 3GS, 3G, New iPad, iPad2, iPad, iPod Touch and of course the brand new iPhone 5S. For help, contact us at support@ichildworld.com ---------------------------------Review from customer:“Keep up the work. I like this apps it helped my 3 years to learn.” James Wards, AustraliaAbout us: iChild World is ranked as #1 child education book application for iPhone and iPad. As parents we do faced same problems and struggles in teaching our children just like you. Until, we tested by ourselves using flash cards. Now, we are sharing this proven technology to parents that concern on their child education; helping to develop their children’s interest in learning.

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