【實用模擬app】Cats Pet Salon|最夯免費app

【實用模擬app】Cats Pet Salon|最夯免費app


【免費模擬App】Cats Pet Salon-APP點子

Smelly Cat, Smelly cat what are they feeding you?

Do you want people singing this song to your kitty? Not really, right? Let's wash a cat and you'll see how beautiful she is. Make her a holiday, let her feel herself a queen!

【免費模擬App】Cats Pet Salon-APP點子

Take your cat to a modern spa salon with the newest equipment and pleasant design.

Have you already been to a luxe-class salon or maybe this is your first time? Play with a cutie cat, take care of her and use your modern equipment.

You've always thought that all the pets don't like to wash, the true is that they don't like to be dirty!

In this game Cats Pet Salon you can make your little kitty beautiful and it will shine like a diamond!

ஜ WASH a cat, using a fragrant shampoo

【免費模擬App】Cats Pet Salon-APP點子

ஜ DRY her hair with a hair-dryer

【免費模擬App】Cats Pet Salon-APP點子

ஜ COMB, to make it smooth and silky

【免費模擬App】Cats Pet Salon-APP點子

ஜ CLEAN HER EARS and she will hear what you are saying

【免費模擬App】Cats Pet Salon-APP點子

ஜ DRIVE AWAY THE FLIES and they won't disturb your cat

【免費模擬App】Cats Pet Salon-APP點子

ஜ MAKE A MASK and her skin become soft

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ஜ GIVE HER A DAINTY to make her stomach happy and full of happiness

【免費模擬App】Cats Pet Salon-APP點子

ஜ PET HER and you'll win a fascinating smile

ஜ DRESS, let her try this amazing clothes to make her beautiful

What else can you do in spa salon? After finishing the beauty procedure your cat will have become very caressing!

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