



內容介紹 :

Cavemania is a match-3 game with strategy… and dinosaurs!

From the developers of Age of Empires and Age of Mythology comes a new kind of match-3 game that combines turn-based combat and strategy with object-matching madness, providing prehistoric fun for casual and hardcore gamers alike!

• Enjoy endlessly challenging and re-playable missions!

• Compete with friends to see who will go down in prehistory via Facebook and Twitter!

• Help the Chieftain reunite his scattered tribe while battling fearsome Stone Age foes.

• Evolve your Tribe. Win levels to unlock a bevy of upgradable units and buildings. Explore multiple paths to victory depending on the units and buildings you choose to use.

• BONK AND SMASH! Unleash your tribe’s powerful special abilities. Send a Sabertooth flying with the Warrior’s Bonk. Stun a snarling T-Rex with your Slinger. Use your Hunter to lure a hungry dinosaur into an ambush.

• Choose from over 100 upgrades for your tribal followers.

• Build your way to victory: Assemble a Granary or Quarry to gather resources faster, construct a Temple to charge-up your tribe members with super powers — so many ways to win!

"It’s simple enough for any casual player and deep enough for some hardcore gamers looking for a little more out of their secret love for Bejeweled.” - Kotaku

"[L]et me tell you, this thing is more exciting than the discovery of fire… a fantastically deep, and a fantastically fun take on the match-three adventure genre." - Gamezebo

"It’s free, it’s fun and it’s got cavemen bonking dinosaurs on the head. Give it a download. What are you waiting for, another ice age?” - Arcade Sushi











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一款动作游戏,持续跳跃,与飞来的愤怒鸟、卑鄙猴子、狡猾狐狸、巨大蟒蛇以及各种敌人作战,熊猫大侠可不是好当的哦! 画面唯美细腻,颇具中国风;音乐紧扣情节,让你深陷其中。 游戏规则: 1、 点击屏幕可以跳跃,一次击杀3个同类动物或击落三个西瓜会奖励无敌时间,冲开所有障碍; 2、 蓝色护盾可以替你抵挡一次 …

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Rapid fanatics

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