【實用運動app】Challenge Cheetah|最夯免費app

【實用運動app】Challenge Cheetah|最夯免費app


【免費運動App】Challenge Cheetah-APP點子

This app is for sport clubs and individual players of racquetball, tennis, badminton, pickleball, or any sport. This league / challenge ladder application allows a new user at your club to find and meet existing players who play at their skill level. The fundamental obstacle to growth in your sport and utilization of your club facilities is for new players to find and meet existing players. Challenge Cheetah removes this obstacle.

Key Features:

Find leagues near you for ANY sport and CHALLENGE your way to top!

【免費運動App】Challenge Cheetah-APP點子

View other player's profiles to see their skill level/match history

【免費運動App】Challenge Cheetah-APP點子

Match results are emailed to all players in your league

【免費運動App】Challenge Cheetah-APP點子

Send comments to selected or all members of your league or team

【免費運動App】Challenge Cheetah-APP點子

Find a coach, equipment reseller, or equipment repairer

Current Supported Sports: 360ball, Arm Wrestling, Badminton, Baseball, Basketball, Billiards, Bocce, Boxing, Bridge, Chess, Cornhole, Cricket, Darts, Dodgeball, Fencing, Football, Golf, Handball, Hockey, Judo, Karate, Kickball, Lacrosse, Other, Paddleball, Paintball, Pickleball, Racquetball, Shooting, Soccer

If your sport is not shown, we will be more than happy to add it!

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免費玩Challenge Cheetah App

Challenge Cheetah APP LOGO

Challenge Cheetah LOGO-APP點子

Challenge Cheetah APP QRCode

Challenge Cheetah QRCode-APP點子
Google Play


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Приложение предназначенное в первую очередь для тех, у кого нет возможности и времени заниматься в тренажерном зале или фитнес клубе с тренером. Здесь …