



ChargeBright automatically increases your display brightness when charging, and automatically restores your lower default battery brightness when not charging.

Why do this? Because a brighter display is a better looking display, so when the juice is freely flowing while docked and charging, it makes sense to take advantage of it.

Oddly, there's no System Setting to enable this behavior — not even in custom ROMs like CyanogenMod — so I wrote ChargeBright to do it for me, because I got very tired of having to remember to manually use the PowerControl Widget brightness toggle every time I plugged and unplugged my phone.

While there are a few other apps that are capable of doing what ChargeBright does — such as Settings Profiles Lite, Toggle Settings, and Tasker — these other apps are intended to handle everything including the kitchen sink and thus are much more complicated to use, require more resources, and for at least one, it doesn't work if the screen is locked.

Hope you find Charge Bright useful.

*** The Pro version includes a toggle widget and custom settings ***





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