【實用生活app】Chelan Wineries|最夯免費app

【實用生活app】Chelan Wineries|最夯免費app


【免費生活App】Chelan Wineries-APP點子

"This is a must have for anyone visiting Lake Chelan."This app features current information for every winery in the Chelan area. Now includes a feature to list the wineries near your current location.Each winery listing includes images, driving directions, address, tap to call, website, bio and more.Are you visiting Chelan and want to find the best wineries? Simply click "Near Me" and see every winery in your location within a specified range. Click on any of the locations to view pictures and information about the winery. Want to know more? simply click on their website link and view without leaving the app!Click on map view and zoom in or out to find a winery. Touch the pushpin to reveal the information.Do you see an outdated website an old phone number? No problem. Simply fill in the revised information and submit it to us without leaving the app. No more outdated apps with old info!You will never have to update this app. All changes are automatically refreshed on your device. If we add a new winery, you will automatically see it the next time you open your app. There's an easy contact form within the app and we have also thrown in all sorts of goodies for those down times. There are 3 wine themed picture puzzles as well as a memory game, a Lake Chelan webcam, personal notepad, calendar and a flashlight which doubles as a reading light that you can dim.Also, there are no annoying ads or offers to buy additional features. You get everything in one package, all for only 99 cents.Search Features:-Search “Near Me” to find wineries close to your current location.-View the miles between yourself and a specified winery. -Search by Winery name-Search results appear instantly as you type.-Search in map view or choose aerial satellite view.-Browse full map. Zoom in or out to any level.Thank you.

【免費生活App】Chelan Wineries-APP點子

【免費生活App】Chelan Wineries-APP點子

【免費生活App】Chelan Wineries-APP點子

【免費生活App】Chelan Wineries-APP點子

免費玩Chelan Wineries APP玩免費

免費玩Chelan Wineries App

Chelan Wineries APP LOGO

Chelan Wineries LOGO-APP點子

Chelan Wineries APP QRCode

Chelan Wineries QRCode-APP點子
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