【實用棋類遊戲app】Chess at ICC|最夯免費app

【實用棋類遊戲app】Chess at ICC|最夯免費app


【免費棋類遊戲App】Chess at ICC-APP點子

Join our vibrant community of players, ranging from beginners to Grandmasters - all ready for you to watch, play or learn from, 24 hours a day!

Founded in 1995 we're the longest running online chess site in the world!

Get now this app, register your username and get a 1-month free trial!

"Chess at ICC" offers:

Online play

* Play: Seek/offer match rated and unrated. You can also view seeks posted by other users. Can sort seek list by username, rating or game time. Options to filter the seek list.

* Chat in the lobby and other propular channels, or chat with Friends

* Friends: add your friends to the app and you can challenge them, chat, observe etc

* Observe top games on ICC and sort by category, showing only rating categories you are interested in observing.

* Events: Participate in a number of official events on ICC. Events include watching top relayed tournaments from around the world, playing in the pristine rating pools, playing TrainingBot and ProblemBot games, and more!

* History: view your played games and send them by email

【免費棋類遊戲App】Chess at ICC-APP點子

* Account section to administer your ICC account

* Takeback, draw, abort, resign and rematch options when playing

* Fully functional console, for more control on the playing server

* Timestamp to avoid lag problems

* Confirm move feature to help avoid mouse-slips. Forward and Backward buttons are converted on Confirm/Cancel buttons

Play against the computer

* Selectable ELO Levels to adjust playing strength, from 500 to 2100, on 50 ELO points steps

* Selectable time per move: changing the ELO and the time per move, lots of difficulty levels can be selected

* Opening book with more than 30.000 positions: ensures variated funny games

【免費棋類遊戲App】Chess at ICC-APP點子

* Can undo/redo all moves

* Send PGN by email: This way, you can analyze later your games on your PC

* Graphical setup board, also can edit position’s FEN notation

* On closing, saves the current game and it is loaded when the application is restarted

Solve chess problems

* 2900+ chess problems to solve looking for the best moves: problems collected by Uwe Auerswald, from Germany

* Selectable problem difficult (Easy, Medium and Hard Problems)

PGN Browser:

* Offline PGN viewer to save and replay your favorite games. Allows you to open PGN files from the SD card or from your email

And with the Best interface

* Clean, simple and intuitive interface (many options appear after pressing the “MENU” key)

* Move by dragging and dropping the piece with useful guide lines

* Ability to select your next piece to move on your opponent's move. To complete the move, tap the destination square when it becomes your move. Useful for speed games.

【免費棋類遊戲App】Chess at ICC-APP點子

* Also move by tapping the origin and the destiny squares or with the trackball

* Portrait and Landscape mode

* Shows legal moves

* Highlights last move (with a yellow arrow or a coloured squarem, can be configured with a settings option), also move hints (as a green arrow) after a request in the menu

* Many piece sets and board styles

* Shows a dot on the side to move (the point is of the moving side color) and can show board coordinates

* Shows captured pieces advantage for each one of the sides (as an example if black captured 3 pawns and whites 2, it shows an advantage of 1 white pawn for blacks), also has an option to hide captured pieces

【免費棋類遊戲App】Chess at ICC-APP點子

* Speak moves, checks and game results

* Different sounds for moves, captures and checks. Toggle sound off and on, to play discreetly.

* Vibrate phone for moves played

* Option to keep the screen on when playing

【免費棋類遊戲App】Chess at ICC-APP點子

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