



The aim of the game is to score a goal. It is a logical game that always requires two players, doesn't matter if you have one or two phones. Both of you have to decide which colour your goal has (does not require interaction with any options).

You can play the game on one (Single mode) or two (Client/Server mode) Phones/Tablets. In single mode only one Tablet or Phone is used, so you pass the device to your opponent to make a move.

In Client/Server mode two devices are used, one is always a Server and the other a Client. Both devices need to be connected to the same wireless network. You have to start a Server on one of the phones and read the IP address. The Server IP address will be used by second device in the Client mode. Start the server and wait for the Client device to connect. Client phone needs to connect to the server by using the IP address previously seen on server's screen. Once connected the game starts and every time when it is your move you will see the field brightens and allows you to kick the ball, otherwise the screen goes dark and no moves can be made.

Rules of kicking the ball:

You can kick the ball vertically, horizontally or diagonally one square at a time.

You cannot kick the ball twice on the same path.


If you can bounce from an existing path or from the pitch walls then you continue kicking until you have nothing to bounce off.

You cannot kick along any walls (only bouncing allowed).

The ball goes to your opponent when you have nothing to bounce off.

















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