【實用街機app】Chicken Fortress 3D Lite|最夯免費app

【實用街機app】Chicken Fortress 3D Lite|最夯免費app


【免費街機App】Chicken Fortress 3D Lite-APP點子


Chicken Fortress 3D Lite


It's a 3D adventure game where the main character is a chicken who tries to destroy the enemy fortress.

This is a lite game version where there are three themes in the game. Lite game features and explanations:

- Real 3D terrain and physics,

- Infinite bullet egg,

【免費街機App】Chicken Fortress 3D Lite-APP點子

- Bomb pickups,

- Auto aiming enemy,

- Bombs destroy enemies and surrounding areas,

- Each egg pickups give different score points,

- Green egg pickups increase chicken health bar,

This game has been tested and runs well on the SGTab 7Plus and other tablet devices with minimum specification Android version 2.3.3 "gingerbread" (API 10)

Full version of this game is in the final stages of completion, suggestions and input would be greatly appreciated for future updates.

【免費街機App】Chicken Fortress 3D Lite-APP點子


Alif-dev (d4ny01@gmail.com)



Adalah game petualangan 3D dimana tokoh utamanya adalah seekor ayam yang berusaha menghancurkan benteng musuh.

Ini adalah game versi lite dimana terdapat 3 tema pada permainan. Lite game features & penjelasan :

【免費街機App】Chicken Fortress 3D Lite-APP點子

- Real 3D terrain & physic,

- Infinite bullet egg,

- Bomb pickups,

- Auto aiming enemy,

- Efek bom dapat menghancurkan musuh dan benda sekitarnya,

【免費街機App】Chicken Fortress 3D Lite-APP點子

- Setiap egg pickups memiliki skor poin yang berbeda,

- Egg pickups berwarna hijau dapat meningkatkan health bar,

Game ini telah diujicoba dan berjalan dengan baik pada perangkat SGTab 7Plus dan pada perangkat tablet lainnya dengan spesifikasi minimal Android versi 2.3.3 "gingerbread" (API 10)

Versi full game ini sedang dalam tahap penyelesaian akhir, saran dan masukan akan sangat saya hargai untuk pembuatan pembaharuan game.

【免費街機App】Chicken Fortress 3D Lite-APP點子

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免費玩Chicken Fortress 3D Lite App

Chicken Fortress 3D Lite APP LOGO

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Chicken Fortress 3D Lite APP QRCode

Chicken Fortress 3D Lite QRCode-APP點子
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