



Replace your agenda with ChromatiCal; a colourful calendaring app designed for students by students! ChromatiCal is a calendar and schedule planner designed to help you organize your timetable, stay on top of homework, and more!|| Colourful Calendar ||--------------------ChromatiCal features a unique calendar that colour codes each day based on the scheduled number of hours of classes, labs, tutorials, work sessions, and other events, allowing you to identify busy days at a glance! You can even customize the boundaries for what you would consider a light, medium, and heavy workload. Your classes, assignments, and exams for each day are also directly visible on the calendar!|| More Than Just Schoolwork ||---------------------------As a student you do more than just go to class which is why ChromatiCal allows you to add jobs, extracurriculars, and other activities along with your courses.|| Flexible Scheduling ||--------------------ChromatiCal features powerful scheduling capabilities making it a breeze to add and modify your schedule. With ChromatiCal you can:• add colour coded courses, jobs, extracurriculars, and other activities.• temporarily hide activities and all the classes, shifts and other events associated with those activities.• schedule single classes, shifts, and other events, including multi-day events.• schedule recurring classes, shifts, and other events, including events which occur on alternating weeks.• schedule exams.• schedule holidays.• cancel individual classes and other regularly scheduled events.|| Tasks and Assignments ||------------------------Keep up with every task and assignment by adding them to ChromatiCal and never miss a deadline again! ChromatiCal also allows you to quickly and efficiently add repeating tasks and assignments with the Premium Upgrade.|| Work Sessions ||----------------Avoid procrastination by scheduling work sessions for tasks and assignments!|| Today at a Glance ||-------------------Quickly and easily view all the upcoming events, tasks, and work sessions for the current day in the Today tab!|| Pastel Theme ||---------------ChromatiCal features a pastel theme if you prefer lighter colours.+++ Premium Upgrade Enhancements +++-------------------------------------Purchase the Premium Upgrade In-App Purchase to unlock access to the following features:+ Ability to add more than 4 courses/extracurriculars/jobs/other activities+ Ability to add repeating assignments and tasksIf you have questions about using ChromatiCal, wish to send feedback, or report a bug then please email us at chromatical_support@live.com or post directly on our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/ChromatiCalApp





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JPLT Test N4 Kanji

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