



Cinderella is professionally narrated fairy tale that gives you 100% as-in-book experience, specially designed to challenge children to think creatively, use their imagination and motivate them to find and appreciate the moral of the story.

Amusing illustrated fairy tale for children, who love stories with princes and princesses. Read what happened to a kind girl who lived miserably with her stepmother and step-sisters until one day a ball invitation arrived…


- Over 200 000 downloads worldwide


- Includes Cinderella and over 30 tales to choose from, and many more to come


- 100% “as-in-book” experience, giving children the opportunity to think and use their imagination


- Professional voice over narration, helping and improving kid’s diction and vocabulary


- Including the Classics – the original Grimm's fairy tales, the classic Aesop’s fables and many other popular stories


- Made for children – easy to use interface and no inappropriate content or ads


- Edutainment at its finest - specially designed to challenge kids to think and improve their reading skills and have fun in the meantime.

Parent testimonials:

“Awesome experience not only for the kids, but for me too. Listening to the stories brings me back my childhood memories every time.” – Jessica, 33

“Although my baby boy is only 13 months old, he loves listening and watching the stories. The voices are really calming and soothe him.” – Daniela, 23

We wish you a pleasant time reading and bonding with Tales with GiGi!

For any ideas you’d like to share, write us: hello@taleswithgigi.com


For any technical issues, please, contact us: http://www.taleswithgigi.com/contact-us/13


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