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Out of the newsroom and on the streets, CityNews Toronto is "everywhere" and dedicated to covering the local news stories and events that shape our city. CityNews' award-winning news team of trusted reporters, writers, anchors and meteorologists, share a hyper-local look at each day's events across Toronto and GTA.Get up-to-the-minute news, breaking-news alerts, weather and traffic updates anywhere you are.Watch a live stream of CityNews at 5, 6 and 11 p.m. each weekday as well as 6 and 11 p.m. each weekend.Watch live streams of major breaking news events as they occur from our cameras blanketing the city.The CityNews app lets you:• Watch CityNews live• Read local, national, international, sports and entertainment news stories• Get push notifications when breaking news occurs• Watch videos • Get the current temperature and forecast as well as the 5-day forecast from our meteorologists• Get real-time closures and cancellations information from the CityNews Storm Centre.• View photo galleries• Submit a news tip directly to the CityNews newsroom• Get the latest sports news and scores from Sportsnet.• Share stories via email and Facebook, Twitter• Contact the CItyNews newsroom

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更新說明:修正搜尋一頁書相關影片的方式。百世經綸 一頁書 與素還真並列為霹靂的兩大支柱,亦名『梵天』。高深的禪修大般若與武學修為,法相莊嚴、胸懷無私、正氣凜然,出道以來屢次幫助素還真攜手共同弭平武林狼煙、扭轉乾坤化解危機。本App提供霹靂布袋戲主角-百世經綸一頁書的簡介與在Youtube上的相關影音 …